Terra Carbono

Executive Summary

Our food system needs urgent reform to make it resilient, fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly. The challenges posed by the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and extreme weather events have highlighted the inadequacy of current practices and the necessity for revision.


At Terra Carbono, we recognize the challenge of producing more food under increasingly difficult conditions while protecting and restoring the environment.

Our mission is to address soil health degradation and micronutrient uptake issues by developing novel biostimulants that preserve and enhance the most valuable resource on Earth - the soil.


Conventional agricultural practices, including the use of chemical pesticides and inefficient nutrient absorption by plants, contribute to soil, water, and air pollution.

Our proprietary manufacturing process and expertise utilize leonardite and lignite as raw materials to create biostimulants, containing humic substances with minimal thermal degradation. These humic substances play a crucial role in soil fertility, organic matter maintenance, and carbon sequestration.


Terra Carbono's biostimulants improve soil moisture, nutrient holding capacity, and fertilizer use efficiency. They enhance plant stress resistance, leading to increased agricultural productivity and improved food security. By rejuvenating the soil, we aim to enhance fertility, increase land value, and meet the growing demand for high-quality produce.


As a company, we embody resilience through continuous technological advancements, inclusivity through collaboration with like-minded partners, and a service-oriented approach that prioritizes the goals of our product/service end-users.


We value the input of our customers and understand that comprehensive solutions require a combination of products and services for monitoring the results of regenerative agriculture. If you share our vision and commitment, we invite you to join us on our exciting journey. Let's make a difference together.

Terra Carbono is supported by EIT Food, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Contact Us:

Richard Uchrin

M: +36-70-262 9395

Email: uchrinr@yahoo.com