
Modding The Witcher

The first thing to keep in mind when modding The Witcher is that it is a 16 year old game, so expect the experience to not be entirely smooth sailing. That said the modding workflow is not too difficult but does require some thought

The general rule of thumb is this:

Throughout the guide I will be providing instructions in case you get confused but treat it as an education into the modding workflow of The Witcher

Also as a gesture of good will, I suggest you endorse each and every mod you download from this guide. Most mod authors work usually with little to no pay and contribute massively to the community, as such I believe it only right we return that gesture of goodwill with endorsements to show our appreciation 

Before Starting the Guide

Some steps need to be taken to ensure little to no issues arise:

Important Information

The order in which you install the mods matters as there will be a few cases of files being overwritten. Always install from top to bottom

A new game is greatly recommended. It is possible some things could break if you try installing this mid-playthrough

With all that said, enjoy the guide and good luck on the path!