Cruise Missile Technology Research Papers

Cruise Missile Technology Research Papers

Cruise missile technology is not new. In fact, the United States military has had a very close relationship with the Russian army since World War II, when our missile systems were first developed and deployed. Although we no longer rely on their assistance for our missile defense system, some have speculated that we will seek to use these same technologies to counter their deployment of cruise missiles.

The most recent development in cruise missile technology research has been the development of maneuvering cruise missiles. These cruise missiles are now able to come to a complete stop over their target and fire again without slowing down. That means that a cruise missile equipped with a maneuvering capability can continue on its current course even when it is being fired upon by a fighter plane or other aircraft.

Another interesting development has been the development of radar-guided cruise missiles. These missiles do not have a high frequency radar set on board but instead rely on a much more efficient laser system to guide them. The laser system allows the missile to take off and land vertically from an aircraft carrier.

Some of these missiles can have a nuclear strike capability. In fact, there have been several anti-ship cruise missile tests that have proven that such a weapon can destroy enemy warships and even submarines.

Some of the satellites that are being developed by the U.S. are used for mapping the Earth's surface and the ocean waters below. Such satellites are becoming a critical component of missile defense as they can be programmed to come into range of enemy missiles at high altitudes. Such satellites can also be configured to work in tandem with an aircraft launching a missile defense mission to avoid a direct confrontation.

Other cruise missile development in the past decade has involved the development of water injection and high altitude hypersonic cruise missiles. These missiles are capable of traveling faster than the speed of sound and if fired against the enemy's air defenses, they can cause catastrophic damage to their aircraft. In addition, these ships of the future will be much larger and much more powerful than the ships of today.

There is also the possibility of the development of mini-submarines, which could be used to attack enemy naval vessels. Such a submarine would be difficult to detect and destroy, making it a threat to the entire US Navy. It would also be difficult to use conventional torpedoes to destroy such a ship.

Cruise Missile Technology Research Papers