Chapter 3: Networked Communications

In "Terminator Dark Fate," the theme of networked communication plays a significant role, mainly through the recurring text messages from Carl to Sarah. Sarah said, "I get these texts. Precise GPS coordinates, dates, times down to the second. [3]". These messages are postfixed with two words, "For John," her lost son. These messages serve as a lifeline for Sarah, providing her meaning to her son's death and direction in her fight against machines. Despite the dangers and uncertainties of their situation, these messages give Sarah a sense of clarity and motivation, highlighting the power of 'human' connection even in the face of technological threats.

On the other hand, the actions of Legion, the AI commanding its Terminator forces, underscore the darker side of networked communication. Legion holds unfair power and influence over individuals and society through its control over the Terminators, such as in designating missions. This imbalance in power underscores the ethical implications of unchecked technology and the importance of safeguarding against abuse in the digital age. This worry is shared by more than 60 countries, including the US, who signed an endorsement on using AI in the military responsibly [1]. The signatories commented that they would like to advance military AI in line with "international legal obligations and in a way that does not undermine international security, stability, and accountability" [1].

The film directly targets identity theft where, in many instances, the Rev-9 terminator can mimic people through direct contact. It could gain access to sensitive material, such as surveillance systems and military equipment, from its copy of a person. Though there isn't currently technology for mimicking people in real life, this can happen online through deepfakes. Fake photos of Donald Trump were shared on the internet for the 2024 election by his supporters that showcased him having the support of black voters [2]. This impacted Joe Biden, whose victory in the 2020 elections took place due to black voters, by dropping the number of black voters from 92% to 71%, according to a recent poll by the New York Times and Sienna College [2].

Overall, the combination of Carl's messages, Legion's commands, and the Terminator's abilities demonstrates the multifaceted nature of networked communication, showing its potential for empowerment in contrast to its ability to control. 
