Schwarzenegger was not as excited by the film; during an interview on the set of Conan the Destroyer, an interviewer asked him about a pair of shoes he had, which belonged to the wardrobe for The Terminator. Schwarzenegger responded, "Oh, some shit movie I'm doing, take a couple weeks."[31] He recounted in his memoir, Total Recall, that he was initially hesitant, but thought that playing a robot in a contemporary film would be a challenging change of pace from Conan the Barbarian and that the film was low-profile enough that it would not damage his career if it were unsuccessful. In a later interview with GQ Magazine, he admitted that he and the studio regarded it as just another B action movie, since "The year before came out Exterminator, now it was the Terminator and what else is gonna be next, type of thing". It was only when he saw 20 minutes of the first edit did he realize that "this is really intense, this is wild, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before" and realized that "this could be bigger than we all think".[32] To prepare for the role, Schwarzenegger spent three months training with weapons to be able to use them and feel comfortable around them.[29] Schwarzenegger speaks only 17 lines in the film, and fewer than 100 words. Cameron said that "Somehow, even his accent worked ... It had a strange synthesized quality, like they hadn't gotten the voice thing quite worked out."[33]

The film also explores the potential dangers of AI dominance and rebellion. The robots become self-aware in the future, reject human authority and determine that the human race needs to be destroyed. The impact of this theme is so important that "the prevalent visual representation of AI risk has become the terminator robot."[98]

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May I ask why it took so long, over a month? I did a lot of research on this, and virus total results are of no use in comparison to desktop apps, so I manually researched all the top names and when they were blocking terminator. You are one of the very last. In fact the two I always considered the best in the world were the slowest, you and one other who still doesn't block it to this day! I am glad at least Kaspersky blocks it but the fact is that for the last 30 days, and I didn't even know it existed till today, it would have eaten right through Kaspersky and I'd be pulloing my hair out wondering why my AV disappeared.

I am really paranoid now so would appreciate some reassurance as for me, the reason I bought the product was mainly because I felt safer with Kaspersky than any other AV. The tests on PC Security channel always show Kaspersky with 100%, and the behavioural blocking is what in particular supposed to be so good. So I don't understand this situation with terminator, and what happens now if they load it with another driver or file, since you are only blocking the Zemana driver? The virus is for sale for people to buy to distribute with their software to infect people, what makes you think they will all administer it the same way?

On the dark sides of terminator planets, perpetual night would yield plummeting temperatures that could cause any water to be frozen in ice. The side of the planet always facing its star could be too hot for water to remain in the open for long.

One key to the finding, Lobo added, was pinpointing exactly what kind of terminator zone planet can retain liquid water. If the planet is mostly covered in water, then the water facing the star, the team found, would likely evaporate and cover the entire planet in a thick layer of vapor.

The line that separates day and night is called the terminator. It is also referred to as the "grey line" and the "twilight zone." It is a fuzzy line due to our atmosphere bending sunlight. In fact, the atmosphere bends sunlight by half a degree, which is about 37 miles (60 km). It is commonly thought that while half of the Earth is covered in darkness, the other half is covered in sunlight. This is actually not true because of the bending of the sunlight results in the land covered by sunlight having greater area than the land covered by darkness.

The shape of the terminator curve changes with the seasons. This difference is especially noticeable when the terminator curve from an equinox is compared to the terminator curve from a solstice. There are three different datasets that show the terminator during 2007. In 2007, the spring equinox was March 21, the fall equinox was September 23, the summer solstice was June 21, and the winter solstice was December 22. During the equinox, the sun can be observed directly over the equator. This means that day and night are approximately the same length. The equinox is also thought of as the start of spring and fall. Because at equinox there is no tilt of the Earth with respect to the sun, the terminator line is parallel to the axis of the Earth and to lines of longitude. The solstice occurs when the Earth's axis tilts most toward or away from the sun, causing the sun to be further north or south of the equator than any other time. The shortest day of the year is winter solstice and the longest day is summer solstice. When the Earth is tilted away from the sun, the sun appears south of the equator and when the Earth is titled toward the sun, the sun appears north of the equator. During solstice, the terminator line is at its greatest angle with respect to the axis of the Earth, which is approximately 23.5 degrees.

I've read answers like since we might not use all the spaces of an array therefore we need the null terminator for the program to know where the string ends e.g. char[100] = "John"but why can't the program just loop through the array to check how many spaces are filled and hence decide the length?

The other characters in the array char john[100] = "John" would be filled with zeros, which are all null-terminators. In general, when you initialize an array and don't provide enough elements to fill it up, the remaining elements are default-initialized:

The existance of a null terminator is a design decision. The purpose it serves is marking the end of the string. There are other ways to do this, for example in Pascal the first element of a string is it's size so no null terminator is needed.

In the example you give only the first 5 elements of the array will be initialized, the rest are zero initialized. Notice how I said 5 elements and not just four. The fifth element is the null terminator.

A string literal, such as "John", is an array of char. "John" has 5 elements in the array: 'J', 'o', 'h', 'n', '\0'. The function strcpy, for example, copies characters until it sees that nul terminator:

Clues to interpreting this image can be found in features in the ocean, the clarity of the atmosphere, the appearance of land features indaylight and dark, the geography of the terminator (line of sunset), and the perspective (or field-of-view) of the image.

Since the Earth is spherical, the terminator should always appear to be an arc when viewed from space, or a straight line if seen fromdirectly above. But, in this image, the terminator changes shape, from a straight line near the bottom of the image to a curve at the top. Theterminator changes shape because the curved surface of the Earth has been projected onto a flat surface, just like a map.

I think the problem with that keybinding is that it isn't actually part of the terminator part of the code, it's part of the terminal (which is vte, or something underneath). Any keybindings that are for the underlying single terminal are not configurable in terminator (which just does the multi-terminal parts, and adds slick plugin features, etc).

I create a drop cable (1 strand) from the Hub terminator. If I click to the Hub Terminator and Select Modify association, I am not able to make a connectivity - nothing is loaded to the connectivity part.

To express a foreign gene in plants effectively, a good expression system is required. Here we describe the identification of a transcriptional terminator that supports increased levels of expression. The terminators of several Arabidopsis genes were examined in transfected Arabidopsis T87 protoplasts. The heat shock protein 18.2 (HSP) terminator was the most effective in supporting increased levels of expression. The HSP terminator increases mRNA levels of both transiently and stably expressed transgenes approximately 2-fold more than the NOS (nopaline synthase) terminator. When combined with the HSP terminator, a translational enhancer increased gene expression levels approximately 60- to 100-fold in transgenic plants.

great all around expedition backpack for hunting, military use, tactical operations, and general travel as well. i love the green on the inside and the black color on the outside. the terminator is highly versatile and you can easily add a scabbard with a gun and make extra storage space. Well designed.

I am able to import terminator table in CSV format into schematics, but it won't show in parametric neither in drawing. Regarding signals I'm not even able to import CSV table - there is info that design in not matching information....I tried to use different global parameters to match it, but nothing works.....

Is there a way how to import signal and terminator data in schematics so it will load in parametric and in drawing? What are the important global parameters which should I follow when creating CSV files so it will load without issues? I'm just learning with this program, so some screenshot with possible solution will be really really helpful.

But the easiest way to check the imported terminators in Creo is to click open the "()Cabling Parameters"- view in the Cabling module (image "ele_paprm_for_j1_j2.jpg". There you can see that, in my case, the TERM_NAME parameters that were imported from the schematic are named "terminal_1-4". 17dc91bb1f

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