Leadership at Te Rapa Primary

  • Student Councillors - Future Leader's Programme

  • Each year, approximately 14-20 Senior students are selected by the staff to be on the Student Council. This group are similar to the Prefect system adopted by secondary schools. These students act as role models for the rest of the school as well as taking on positions of responsibility such as office duty, canteen duty, organising Discos and Socials, and acting as guides for visitors. They are Year 8 students who are groomed to be future leaders and are expected to be positive in their attitude. They can be recognised in a Student Council polo shirt, with a badge.

  • We also groom future leaders through many other programmes from as young as Year 5.

  • Responsibilities include House Leaders and Deputy Leaders, PTA Ambassadors, Road Patrollers, Peer Mediators, Librarians, Photographers etc.

Young Leaders Day 2022

The Student Councillors attended the National Young Leaders Day at Claudelands. The theme for the day was ‘Resilience’. All the guest speakers have shown resilience after facing challenges, setbacks or tough times. The speakers inspired the students to be ready to take on challenges and continue to develop as leaders of the future.

The speakers this year included:

William Pike who lost a leg after being trapped in a volcanic eruption.

Georgia Lines, a singer/songwriter who chatted about her story and then performed at the end of the day.

Georgia Latu, a successful business owner at the age of 15.

Brooke Neal, a Black Stick olympian who described herself as a baby giraffe who grew into a Black Stick.

Zane Kapeli, a Tongan and Waikato rugby player whose career has been affected by injuries.

Some of the key messages that came from the day were:

· Step outside your comfort zone

· What if?

· Remember your why!

· Keep going when times are tough