Teo's Astro-world in Pictures

Mauna Kea Observatories, Hawaii. From right to left: Subaru Telescope, Keck 1, Keck 2, UH 2.2-m, Gemini North, IRTF (at the front), CFHT (at the back).
An observing quest at La Silla Observatory in Chile. Posing at the far back are the ESO 3.6-m telescope with the HARPS instrument, and 3.6-m NTT.
Giving a guided tour to visitors at the Observatory Golovec in Slovenia during one of the open door events. 400 visitors in 3 hours!

Supernova SN2014J in M82. Image obtained using the 4.2-m WHT on February 21, 2014 through the filters Sloan i’ (4×15s), Sloan r’ (4×15s), and Sloan g’ (4×15s). Imaging by Elizabeth A. Cooke and Nina Hatch, image processing by Teo Močnik. (ING Photo Release)
The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, the highest point of the Canary island of La Palma and home to the largest optical telescope in the world.
The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, seen as a partial solar eclipse over the 4.2-m WHT on La Palma. The solar eclipse coincided with my WHT observing trip and a very intense dust storm, which dimmed the sunlight to a level where we could observe the eclipse comfortably with naked eyes! Can you find me on the photo? Photographed by Jure Skvarč. (ING Photo Release)
An animated image sequence revealing a new near-Earth asteroid which I have stumbled upon while blinking the images from the 2.5-m INT. Can you find another, much slower main-belt asteroid? (paper)
The 2.5-m INT and I became acquainted during my 1-year traineeship on La Palma as a student support astronomer.
Planetary nebula Sh2-71, the protagonist of my MSc thesis. Image obtained using the 2.5-m INT on Oct 21, 2013 through the filters Hα (3×120s), Sloan r’ (3×30s) and [OIII] (3×120s). Imaging and processing by Teo Močnik. (ING Photo Release; paper)

Planetary nebula M27. Image obtained with the 0.7-m Vega Telescope on June 22, 2011 with RVB exposures of 2×60s, 2×120s and 2×180s, respectively. Imaging by Mateja Gosenca, Angela Kočoska and Teo Močnik, image processing by Teo Močnik.