Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija
Originally known as the “Royal University Students’ Theological Association”, the “Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija” was formally founded in 1945. The Association’s main aims include representing its members while maintaining their interests on any issue which concerns them, be it an issue to be discussed within the Faculty of Theology or to be presented before the University’s higher authorities. GĦST also seeks to support its members, and, where possible, other students in their spiritual and theological formation. Through the organisation of various activities, the association facilitates friendship both among its members and with other organisations within the University.
The Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija (Għ.S.T.) is a faculty based student senate recognised organisation and the official student organisation of the Faculty of Theology. It is also one of the oldest and smallest student organisations still around. Originally the Royal University Students’ Theological Association, the Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija was formally founded in 1945. However, it was recently discovered that the Association was in fact a spinoff from an earlier society called ‘Ċirkolu ta’ Studju bejn l-Istudenti tal-Kors Akkademiku tat-Teoloġija’ whose first meeting was held on the 21st December 1942 at St Joseph’s Institute in Ħamrun.
Today, the Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija is above all else at the service of its members: the students reading theology at any level at the University of Malta. Għ.S.T. was the pioneer among Maltese student organisations to publish its own scientific review, “Melita Theologica”, which was first issued in 1947.
Meet the Team
Mattia Agius Muscat
GĦST President and Student Representative on the Faculty Board
Maria Paula Bugeja Lucas
GĦST Secretary
Andrè Psaila
GĦST Treasurer and
Melita Theologica Board Member
Lawrence Cassar
GĦST Executive Member
Student Representatives
Ian Diacono
Student Representative on the Faculty Board
Ex Officio GĦST Board Member
Matthew Sammut
Student Representative on the Faculty Board
Ex Officio GĦST Board Member
Melita Theologica
Melita Theologica is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published biannually since 1947. It is published under the joint collaboration of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta, the Theology Students Association and the Foundation for Theological Studies of the Archdiocese of Malta.
Melita Theologica contains articles penned by academics on a range of topics that includes systematics, biblical studies, spiritual and pastoral theology, bioethics, liturgy and psychology. At a time when different outlooks, new questions and contemporary challenges continue to mould Christian theological thought, Melita Theologica provides a forum for academic expression that interests and stimulates scholars and students alike.
The journal is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach, multiplicity of research perspectives and a broad reflection on philosophical and theological issues.