About me


Location:  Department of Computer Science, 

E. Cioran Str., No. 4, Sibiu, 550025, Romania

E-mail:  teodora.vasilas@ulbsibiu.ro

Linkedin profile

We live in the era of digitalization due to the movement of storage and processing towards the cloud. Apart from the huge benefits, such as increased power processing and substantial storage space, the number of security threats has increased as well. Thus, the security and privacy of data has increased in importance. My research interests are in the area of Security in Computer Architecture.

In 2023 I was granted a 12-month Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. Unfortunately, I refused it due to personal issues.

In 2022 I have received a 3-month mobility grant form HiPEAC Excellence Network, wherewith I visited the HPC Group @ University of Basel, lead by Prof. Dr. Florina Ciorba. Together, we have combined my Security in Computer Architecture knowledge with their expertise in High Performance Computing and we have started to research the very needed and under-explored direction into Security of HPC systems.

Since October 2020, I am a PhD Student in Computer Science @ Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, with Security in Computer Architecture as research topic, advised by Prof. Dr. Remus Brad and Prof. Dr. Adrian Florea.

Since February 2019, I am a Teaching Assistant @ Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, where I teach Labs (Exercises) in the following subjects: Simulation and Optimization of Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems and Systems with Microprocessors.

Since July 2018, I am working a full-time job in the industry as a Software Validation Engineer @ Continental Sibiu.

In July 2020, I have completed my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, my thesis title was Automatic Design Space Explorer for VLIW Architectures. Together with my advisor, we have published an article based on my thesis > Optimizing the Integration Area and Performance of VLIW Architectures by Hardware/Software Co-design.

In July 2018, I have completed my B.Sc. degree in Computer Science, my thesis title was Analyzing the Difficulty of a Sudoku Table.