Train YOLO with DarkFlow

Retrain YOLO using DarkFlow

DarkFlow is the TensorFlow specific implementation of the DarkNet. In this tutorial we will use this framework to retrain a tiny-yolo model for two classes. More information about the DarkFlow can be found on the official site here. As usual, we prepared a demo for training YOLO with DarkFlow in Google Colaboratory Notebook:

Let's begin with installation of additional softwares like: CUDA, cuDNN, python-opencv etc. If you have these dependencies already installed, then you can jump to the Install DarkFlow part; It is optional, but recommended to install nVidia CUDA and cuDNN libraries before you start train your model. A short description about the installation can be found here: Install nVidia CUDA and cuDNN.

Install TensorFlow

There are a couple way to install the TensorFlow, you can find them here. Right now we will use the pip python package manager to install it.

Install TensorFlow for Python 2.x

  • $ pip install tensorflow # Python 2.7; CPU support (no GPU support)
  • $ pip install tensorflow-gpu # Python 2.7; GPU support

Install TensorFlow for Python 3.x

  • $ pip3 install tensorflow # Python 3.n; CPU support (no GPU support)
  • $ pip3 install tensorflow-gpu # Python 3.n; GPU support

Install Numpy, OpenCV, Cython

  • $ apt-get update
  • $ pip3 install numpy
  • $ apt-get install python-opencv -y
  • $ pip install cython

Install DarkFlow

Finally, we have all the dependencies installed so, we can install the DarkFlow right now.

Train with DarkFlow

At this point we are ready to retrain our tiny-yolo model for two classes (Winnie-the-pooh and Tiger) . For this reason we will use the dataset generater from the previous article.

Clone the dataset generator from the repo, install it and generate some learning data.

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd dataset-generator
  • $ git checkout feature/colaboratory-tutorial // this branch contains the demo data for this example
  • $ ./gradlew clean build -xtest
  • $ ./gradlew run

Configure DarkFlow by modifying the configuration file and labels.txt file. Make a copy from cfg/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg and create a cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-2c.cfg file with the same content. Change the line 114 to filters=35 and the line 120 and set classes=2.

Copy the labels.txt file from the dataset-generator/dataset/output/VOCLabels and replace the original one from the DarkFlows root directory.

It can take days to train YOLO from scratch. A faster option is to train it by using some pretrained weights. In this tutorial we are using the tiny-yolo-voc.weights file, what can be downloaded from here:; Download it and place it to the darkflow/weights directory and rename it to tiny-yolo-voc.cfg.

Start training with the following command:

$ python3 flow --model ./cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-2c.cfg --train --dataset "<path to the generator>dataset-generator/dataset/output/VOCDataSet/JPEGImages" --annotation "<path to the generator>/dataset-generator/dataset/output/VOCDataSet/Annotations" --gpu 0.8 --epoch 10000 --load ./weights/tiny-yolo-voc.weights

The outputs in the console should look like on the picture below:

Train YOLO with darkflow.

Train YOLO with darkflow for two classes.

The training process can be stopped at any moment by pressing CTR + C command in the terminal window. The recommended number of steps for this demo dataset is around 10000-15000.

To save into protobuff file use the ./flow --model cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-2c.cfg --load -1 --savepb command.

The newly trained weights can be saved into a protobuff file with the following command:

  • $ ./flow --model cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-2c.cfg --load -1 --savepb

The tensorflow java example project can be used to test the protobuff file.

Tiger detected on the tensorflow java yolo interface

Tiger detected with the newly created protobuff file.