Technological Niche Disruptions (TEND) 

TEND develops in detail an ecological approach to the phenomena of technological disruption and adaptation. 

The niches of human beings are inherently technological and as such prone to disruption by technological innovation. TENDs are understood as the interruption or even overturning of currently prevailing, stably entrenched patterns of norms, practices, and habits. Such disruptions force us to adapt both at the individual and group levels. Niche disruptions can inflict immediate harm on a stakeholder and prompt adaptive pressures with potential long-term effects, both positive and negative. A central aim of our project is to examine strategies for adapting to niche disruptions and explore the dual nature of opportunities and risks they entail from an interdisciplinary angle. This is an international multi-disciplinary project involving philosophers, historians, social scientists, linguists, and AI researchers.

Research Modules:
