Call for Papers

The "TempXAI: Explainable AI for Time Series and Data Streams Workshop" is hosted as part of this year's ECML PKDD 2024 conference in Vilnius. The TempXAI workshop focuses on exploring the crucial intersection of Explainable AI (XAI) and the challenges posed by time series and data streams. Our primary objectives include understanding dynamic interpretability, delving into techniques that offer transparent insights into time-evolving data, and providing a better understanding of machine learning models in dynamic environments. We aim to advance incremental explainability by investigating methods that ensure interpretability remains effective as models adapt to changing data over time or methods that are able to explain these changes. Moreover, we seek to promote real-time decision-making by exploring applications of XAI in real-time decision-making scenarios, addressing the need for interpretable models in time-sensitive contexts. The workshop also aims to share practical insights by encouraging the sharing of novel XAI tools that are specific to time series and data streams, in addition to case studies and practical implementations in employing interpretable machine learning for time series and data streams.


The TempXAI workshop welcomes papers that cover, but are not limited to, one or several of the following topics:

Important DATEs

Submission Details

Please submit your work through CMT, where further information is provided on the ECML PKDD 2024 website. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered to the conference and attend the workshop. The submission can be part of the following two tracks.

Submission Link: 

Research Track

We welcome submissions of novel scientific research and position papers presenting novel ideas, perspectives, or challenges in explainable AI for Time Series and Data Streams as regular papers (max. 8-16 pages) or extended abstracts (up to 2-4 pages). Each paper will be double-blind peer-reviewed and, upon selection, be presented and discussed at the workshop. We intend to publish proceedings within the open-access, indexed CEUR Workshop Proceedings series. Please format your papers according to the one column CEUR-WS template.

Spotlight Track

We also welcome submissions of published research as extended abstracts (max. 2 pages CEUR-WS template). The goal is to advertise emerging and impactful contributions in the scientific community centered around TempXAI. The spotlight papers will be excluded from the workshop proceedings.


Any general enquiries, please feel free to drop us a mail @