In Production

Temporary Staffing Agencies / Agence D'Emploi Temporaire

July 26th - 26 de julliet - 26 de julio, 2022

Electronic Music Song /$600.00 - $800.00 ( USD )

Estimated Purchase ( Payment ) -( Pre-Signed GSS - Seller Must Have Licensed ( State of California OR Federal ) Cheque Cashier )

Temporary Staffing Agencies will purchase ( 1 ) original, copyright protected, new, unreleased electronic music song for above listed price. Payment method is either of a) equity, debt-equity OR ; with purchase and/or financial investment b) physical or electronic cheque or equivalent.

Further Details To Be Clarified

Electronic Music Song must be dance music, not overtly electronic dance music. The correct Rythym is essential.

Please contact temporary.staffing.agencies.92@gmail.com with Subject Line as follows ( #TRLAC 🇺🇸 / SONG NAME HERE / YOUR INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANIZATIONAL NAME HERE )

Further information to be included with reply from Temporary Staffing Agencies / Agences D'Emploi Temporaire

Your response to this posting for purchase and/or license of the above described Electronic Music Song MUST include a link to a current and valid AMERICAN ( Facebook / Instagram ) social media profile of you as an individual or your organization.