Become a Volunteer

Temple Mother Earth is inviting everyone to be a part of our cause.  

In order to provide you with a satisfying experience and effectively carry out our purpose, we want to match your abilities with your preferred work setting. 

We are constantly looking for volunteers who will be helping us in the following areas:

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 


Sacred Descriptions for Open Positions:

The role of the Host within our sacred sanctuary is that of a Guardian of Sacred Hospitality. This position embodies the spirit of gracious welcome, standing as a sentinel at the gateway of our temple. With an open heart and a radiant presence, the Host greets visitors as honored guests, extending the warmth of our spiritual community to all who cross the threshold. In this role, the Host becomes a vessel through which the energies of harmony and connection flow, forging bonds that transcend the realm of the mundane and reach into the realm of the divine.

Within the tapestry of our temple's existence, the Events Team stands as master weavers, conjuring sacred gatherings that resonate with celestial harmonies. They don the robes of creators and caretakers, sculpting ethereal landscapes of experience. Like celestial choreographers, they dance between the realms, orchestrating moments of divine communion. With each event they conceive, create, and bring to life, they weave threads of unity, invoking the presence of the sacred in the very air we breathe.

In the luminous realm of cyberspace, the Social Media Marketers are alchemists of the digital ethers. They transmute mere images and words into potent elixirs that resonate with the souls of seekers. With every post, they craft incantations that ripple through the collective consciousness, drawing kindred spirits to our temple's embrace. As they construct digital bridges, create pages like pages of an ancient grimoire, and forge applications that serve as sigils, they channel energies that transcend the boundaries of time and space, inviting all who seek to partake in the sacred mysteries we hold.

In a realm where the pen is traded for the palette, Graphics Designers emerge as scribes of visual revelation. With each stroke of their digital quill, they inscribe sacred narratives onto the canvas of existence. Like magicians of imagery, they evoke emotions and awaken dormant understanding. Through their artistry, they manifest the ineffable, rendering the unseen into forms that the human eye and heart can apprehend. They serve as midwives to the birth of symbolism, transcending language to reveal the cosmic truths that pulse within the veins of our temple.

The role of Community Outreach is that of an emissary of unity, a bridge between our sanctuary and the tapestry of humanity it rests within. Guided by the threads of compassion and service, these souls reach out to neighboring realms, forming alliances that enrich both the temple and the wider world. They are the hands that extend the temple's embrace, embracing all seekers in a harmonious dance of shared purpose. With their work, they cultivate a fertile garden where the seeds of empathy and transformation can flourish.

In the quiet heart of the forest, a sacred resonance thrums—a rhythm woven into the very fabric of existence. The Forest Clean-up Drive is a gathering of guardians who hear this ancient heartbeat and act as its stewards. With each rustling leaf and gentle breeze, they commune with the spirit of the wild, invoking a harmonious symphony between nature and human intent. Through their labor, they cleanse the earthly temple,

As the temple stands as a physical embodiment of spiritual essence, the Construction team steps into the role of architects of divine restoration. With hands attuned to both material and ethereal, they mend the temple's physical abode, mirroring the healing of spiritual fractures. Each nail driven and beam placed becomes a sacred act, an offering of devotion to the temple's enduring vitality. Through their labor, they not only mend physical structures but mend the tapestry of the soul's connection to the divine sanctuary.

Join our volunteer list by completing our online application