
About Google Sites

Welcome to SiteCrafted Wisdom, your go-to source for business growth tips tailored specifically for Google Sites. I'm [Your Name], a serial entrepreneur with a track record of building four successful companies and fostering a community of over 14 million people. Here, my mission is clear: to help 100,000,000 founders automate their businesses and achieve a remarkable $5,000,000 profit per year. In just 3 minutes a week, I'll guide you through mastering the Google Sites landscape, scaling your digital footprint, automating success, and crafting a profitable brand. Join me on this journey, where your Google Site becomes the catalyst for entrepreneurial triumph and online success 



Building a website can be daunting, right? Coding, hosting, design – it's enough to make your head spin. But fear not, fellow internet adventurers, because Google Sites is here to save the day! 

About Using Your Google Sites Templates

Google Sites Templates are similar to Wordpress Themes or Wix themes. Your custom template is able to be fully customized, modified, edited and populated with all your content. Elements of the template can be easily duplicated for a consistent look and feel simply using copy and paste — copy a whole page or content blocks as you require. Your template can be used for all sorts of applications, so be creative! Start a blog, post a resume, launch your business online and open up shop.

After Template Store Checkout

Once your secure checkout process is complete, your theme will instantly be made available to you for copying. You will receive an exact copy of the live demos featured above. According to our terms, you are free to publish one public website using your new awesome template. 

Expand Your Site Content and Grow Your Audience

Your Google Sites professional template will have a polished, consistent aesthetic across all webpages. Because your template is fully customizable, you can grow your website confidently with new content. The user interface is so intuitive that many find it easy to get online in a matter of days.

What's the difference between free and premium templates?

The free Google Sites templates are basic in their overall design, contain limited page layouts, and lack polish as used in premium versions. They might be a great jumping off point for adventurous designers who appreciate the no code interface form Google Sites. Typically these free examples are one-pagers, landing pages or unbranded wireframes for a proof of concept.

Premium templates are designer crafted custom themes with five or more versatile page layouts.

Google Sites Support at Your Fingertips

You may want some support on how to use your Google Site, in which case we hope to be a valued consultant and trainer. Of course there are many resources around the web to help you, including official Google articles and help forums.

If you need help adding a custom domain to your new Google Sites website, we have a video tutorial and written instructions for you here, along with other support articles to help you master your site.

If you feel like you need some help in the editing and content creation process, or in modifying your template, watch some Youtube video tutorials, read Google Sites support articles or submit a question on the official community forum.

Web Design

The Google Sites Web Designer

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