Career Summary & Goals

Electrical Lineman

My career goal is to become a Lineman. A lineman is a tradesperson who constructs and maintains electric power transmission, telecommunications lines and distribution lines. A Lineman mostly does outdoor installation and maintenance jobs. To get into this career, the entry level education is a High school diploma or equivalent. To begin, attending a trade school is where most people start, there are two main trade schools for lineman located right here in Georgia. Most lineman have obtained a class A Commercial Drivers License because of the fact most full sized bucket trucks weigh over 26,000 pounds and this is a crucial thing to obtain because the first question you will be ask in an interview is "Do you have a CDL?" and as a new guy, you will be doing a lot of driving! The salary of a Lineman has highs and lows which all depend on the location and contractor or city you may work for. Based on research, the average lineman salary in the U.S is around 70k to 80k a year and the top 10 percent journeyman lineman will earn generous wages over 100k a year and this job comes with many benefits and pays well if you ever have to travel due to storm related issues or work in hazardous areas. The trade school I am planning to attend after High School is Elite Lineman Training Institute which is an 11 week program with an average of 30 students per class. Each day of the program, skilled instructors teach the students everything they will need to know and everything they will need to prepare for before they graduate the program and get hired into the industry on their own. After doing lots of research and WBL requirements such as job shadowing, I am more excited to enter the industry every day!

Top Three Careers of Interest

  • Electrical Lineman

  • Machinist

  • Crane operator

Top Three Post Secondary Options

  • Elite Lineman Training institute

  • Chattahoochee Technical College

  • Konecranes Training Institute