About us

LINK – Linguistik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation is placed at the crossroads of technology-enhanced language learning and teaching, telecollaboration for intercultural communication, and lingua franca pedagogy.

Since its formation in 1992, LINK has been involved in EU projects aiming to integrate multimedia and web solutions for blended language learning and teaching, including in particular

  • intercultural telecollaboration between secondary schools in different European countries including Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Turkey and UK [in the LLP projects “icEurope” (2008-10) and “TILA” (2013-15) and the Erasmus+ project TeCoLa (2016-2019],
  • interpreter training in virtual reality [see the LLP projects “IVY” (2011-13) and “EVIVA" (2013-14)],
  • development of spoken pedagogic corpora of interviews in English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish, and English as a lingua franca [see the Minerva project “SACODEYL” (2005-2008) and the LLP project “BACKBONE” (2008-2010)],
  • content development with its own free-of charge authoring software Telos Language Partner for a number of European languages, in particular German, English, and French [see the Lingua project ELOQUENT (1992-1995), the TAP project “TELOS” (1996-1998), and the LdV projects “LinguaWeb”(1999-2001), “VideoLingua” (1999-2001), “Promotics” (2000-2002)].

LINK also participated through subcontracts in the following projects:

  • DEUMA Project, Development and validation of German language learning materials for mechanical engineering, Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union), 2001-2004
  • Logos Gaias Project, Hypermediale Sprachenkompetenz für integrierte Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung in Europa,
  • Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union), 2001-2004
  • INCA Project, Development of a framework, diagnostic tool and record of competence for the assessment of intercultural competence integrated with language competence and subject knowledge competence,
  • Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union), 2001-2004
  • CIP – Communication in International Projects, Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union) 2004-2007
  • EntecNet – Environmental Technology Communication, Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union) 2004-2007
  • CADOS – Communication en Anglais entre Donneurs d’Ordre et Sous-traitants (LdV 2007-2009)