Communicates with a computer running the telnet server service. Running this command without any parameters, lets you enter the telnet context, as indicated by the telnet prompt (Microsoft telnet>). From the telnet prompt, you can use telnet commands to manage the computer running the telnet client.

I have Windows 10 also and installed telnet, and I didn't get this error. I can sort of replicate the error, however, if I go into command prompt and type telnet + enter, which opens telnet and gives a telnet prompt. Then if I type telnet 80, I get that invalid command error you were talking about. This is because telnet is already open at this point, and "telnet" is not a valid command inside the telnet application.

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If have a prompt that says Microsoft Telnet>, you already have telnet open, so the problem is very likely what I mentioned before: telnet is not a valid command within telnet itself; you only use it to open telnet.

If you already have telnet open, then use open 80 instead of telnet 80 to open the connection to httpbin. Hopefully that will work. Note that it will look like it's hanging because it should say Connecting To but then it doesn't actually signal that it has connected, even if it has. However, when you type your next commands like in the video, you should see them appear at the very top left of your screen, even above where it says Connecting To.... It will probably be overwriting some other stuff that's already there. It's weird that way.

(If you want to try to use the st command, you'll need to hit Ctrl+] once you connect, so that the command is going to your local telnet environment and not as a command to a remote server, which is expecting some sort of GET or POST type of command.)

This tutorial is an educational guide that shows you how to use telnet protocol. We HIGHLY DISCOURAGE the use of telnet due to the high-security risks it poses due to lack of encryption. SSH is the recommended protocol when connecting to remote systems. The data sent over SSH is encrypted and kept safe from hackers.

Hi, someone can help me, I need to use a Telnet session in Labview but without using the http protocol, in this application I can only access the Telnet session using command line, here is an example of how I can access:

For trying telnet manually, I type the following command, then I press control+bracket i.e. ^], then press Enter key, then I get to telnet> prompt, where if I type close or quit, it comes back to the $ prompt and seeing exit status of last command shows 0 for (success) as port 2878 is open (as per the telnet command's output).

Now, I wanted to run the same operation without any human intervention i.e. I don't want to manually give ^] and press Enter key to come to the telnet> prompt, then enter close (or quit) telnet command to finally come back to the $ prompt.

For this, I tried using echo -e command's option and giving ^], \n (for new line character i.e. Enter key) and close command (for telnet> prompt so that I come back to $ prompt). Doing this, kind of worked as expected but for the exit status of last command echo $?, I'm getting 1 (instead of 0). Why?

How can I automatically exit from telnet if the port is open and get 0 as exit code? If there's a way to capture the output of the previous command, may be I can grep the 'Connection closed by foreign host.' string to mark it successful (0).

Note that you may need to enable telnet on your workstation (see this Article: How to enable telnet for troubleshooting when CMD reports: "'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command")

Edit: Haven't noticed that you can't type Ctrl+], but I would be surprised if there isn't a way to type that with every keyboard. But you can change the escape character with the commandline option -e [char].

I have a telnet connection through 80 while trying to test cli based webbrowsing for github project. I got my connection established over port 80 but now I cannot do anything, even quit. Is there a way to quit this kind of connection? CTRL+c is not working and neither is any other key combination.

Closing the tab may be the answer but this is not I want because I am planning to run a script over telnet and I do not want to install any browser like lynx or anything else. I want to use only the default programs we have in Ubuntu.

What you're describing makes it sound like that isn't the case. If that's really the situation, I'd load another terminal and killall telnet (assuming no other sessions you want to preserve), or just close the terminal emulator you'd been running this in and make a new one.

What is your preferred scripting programming language ?

E.g for perl you may have a look at this module: Net::Telnet - interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports -

What you also could use is expect: Expect command and how to automate shell scripts like magic - Like Geeks

I new to Palo Alto and loving it but I am looking for PAN-OS cli commands similar to telnet, nc (netcat) or curl etc.. I have seen there is an option to do ssh source port (the scp command also supports this), can this replace the telnet source port? From what I tested I think that the SSH without specifying the source is sourced by the managment interface but I don't see a service route for this. If I specify the source IP of a data plane interface. From what I see is if the tcp handshake works but it get dropped at application level (this is normal as I am using not the real application but SSH to check the port), I get the message "ssh_echange_identification: Connection closed by remote host", if the server does not listen to this I get the message "Connection timed out". I think that when the server silently drops it I will see "session timed out" and the pcap confirms this. If the server sends RST for the first SYN packet, I will see from the Traffic log that Server RST was seen and when it works, it will be still TCP RST by the server but after the 3-Way handshake is done or in my tests to a test dns on port 53 and ssh command I got just TCP-FIN for the session (don't forget to enable intra zone log on session end) after the 3-Way handshake and the message "ssh_echange_identification: Connection closed by remote host". Can you confirm that this is the way to test with the ssh command? I think that this is an interesting idea and if possible give me some advices.

The telnet command was taken out a long time ago. All that is left, as you already discovered, is the ssh (and ping and traceroute) command which you can source from a dataplane interface (default is management)

Sorry for the late reply but I couldn't help myself while researching this thread.

Sure it's definitely more fruitful to test from an external machine... but when it's 3AM local time and you're barely awake dealing with an on-call issue my god is it helpful to have a command like this that can test port functionality directly on the firewall. This is the kind of feature that engineers who work in the trenches think about when looking at purchase decisions. 

It follows a user command TCP/IP networking protocol that creates remote sessions. On the web, HTTP and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) enable users to request specific files from remote computers. With Telnet, users can log on as a regular user with privileges that allow them to access the specific applications and data on that computer.

Users connect remotely to a machine with Telnet. This is sometimes referred to as Telnetting into the system. Telnet prompts users to enter their usernames and passwords to access the remote computer, which enables command lines to run as if users are logged in to the computers in person. A user's IP address matches the computer they're logged in to rather than the one physically used to connect.

Users are also able to connect to any software that uses text-based, unencrypted protocols via Telnet, from web servers to ports. Users can open a command prompt on the remote machine, type the command telnet and the remote machine's name or IP address, and the Telnet connection pings the port to see if it's open. An open port shows a blank screen, while an error message that says the port is connecting means the port is closed.

Some modern systems enable only command-line connections using Secure Shell (SSH), an encrypted tool similar to Telnet, or through a virtual private network. Because of security concerns, many professional organizations require the use of secure options, like SSH or PuTTy, instead of Telnet. SSH is the most commonly used alternative, largely because it encrypts all the traffic that passes over the communication channel.

Well, replying to my own post, I managed to find a solution in other post:

For the sake of the noobs like me, here is teh walkthough:

I have some scripting experience but knew nothing about python. But in desperation, knowing that telnetlib for python existed (thank you ! ), and given that HA appears to be largely a python creation, I started (a) learning basic python (supported by Python tester - Test code online), and (b) working through the python alternatives.

I have some scripting experience but knew nothing about python. But in desperation, knowing that telnetlib for python existed (thank you ! ), and given that HA appears to be largely a python creation, I started (a) learning basic python (supported by Python tester - Test code online ), and (b) working through the python alternatives.

Say example is the host connected to leaf , and If we want to test is listening on any port say tcp 455 , how can we check this in ACI environment , wht is the command . Will telnet 455 command works ? Is there any way ?

Hi @Network_Sarovani,

As you know from @ecsnnsls @Sergiu.Daniluk and @RedNectar telnet on the ACI fabric nodes is a non starter. 

In terms of alternatives I can think of three off the top of my head that might serve. 2351a5e196

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