The to target of expects a CSS selector string or an actual DOM node. Here, we are essentially telling Vue to "teleport this template fragment to the body tag".

The teleport to target must be already in the DOM when the component is mounted. Ideally, this should be an element outside the entire Vue application. If targeting another element rendered by Vue, you need to make sure that element is mounted before the .

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I see a lot of players install teleport on transports in their 1 support slot especially in RS7+. My clan recommends it as well, but I'm not quite sold. Sell me on teleport or sanctuary or timewarp. Here are my views:

Sell me on the time saving aspect of teleport. It seems marginal or niche. Transports teleport to planet and get a jump on loading artifacts but often times are landlocked and prevented from returning to gate until you clear some sectors. With a 5 minute cooldown, in theory you're able to use it 3 times with some RSE use. On average how much faster is loading arts with teleport over sanctuary? Assuming you enter a system with 6 transports, on average how many more loads are you getting?

RS6 teleport definitely isn't needed. I can solo RS6 no problem and collect all 4 planets usually with some light RSE use. RS7 has changed that and I assume RS8+ will as well. Is there an RS at which teleport changes from optional to must or becomes a clear difference in time saving?

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsCyrene PricePosted February 10, 2021Cyrene PriceResident  15Share Posted February 10, 2021(edited) I was getting constant TP crashes for a few months.... every 4 to 5 teleports I took I would crash. The past week or more it has been working fine. Now you went and broke it again, and worse than the first time around! Whatever you did, go back a week! Now I am crashing every second or third teleport I take. And any changes to worn items, from huds, etc reverts back and I have to change them all again.This is so frustrating! Any hints on how to stop it from happening? Other than stay in one place the entire time of course....

Update for this, which is STILL happening. I have noticed that it is when teleporting to a sim I have already been to since my last crash that it happens. I can visit 20 new sims one after the other and it seems fine, but as soon as I try and return to one I have been to already, BAM. Crash. Any ideas what might be causing this issue? Tired as hell of this bug now.

At least i can warn people i'm about to disconnect as I know how to spot them -- they are pretty consistent in their behaviour: I see a number of objects disappear, but the teleport progress bar has no message. Friends don't see you go offline, they just see the online message -- in same way i can tell when friends have had one of these TP disconnects as i just see the online message without the corresponding offline message.

Ah, yeah, AFAIK the Malwarebytes thing is unique to the problem @Cyrene Price describes of teleports failing only when returning to a region already visited during a login session. I see this thread is about teleport failures more generally, and I should have been more specific.

I used to have the bitmoji clock on my Versa 3. I changed to a different clock for a while and when I tried to go back I have not been able to. It is stuck on "getting ready to teleport". I have installed the bitmoji app, updated the Fitbit app and restarted my Versa 3 and even did a factory reset and then updated the Versa 3. Nothing seems to work this time. I've been trying for hours and I think I'm about to give up on this junk. I just can't get the thing to work! I wish they would get it fixed!!!

The update did finally show up in the Play Store for my phone; however, after updating I was still unable to get the Bitmoji clock face to install. It still shows preparing to teleport. I have messaged Fitbit support and am waiting for a response from them. Please let me know if the update worked for anyone.

After clearing my cash and storage in Google store and Google Play services and then restarting my phone, I found there was another Fitbit app update available. I updated it to 3.88 version after which I was able to get the Bitmoji clock face to teleport. I now have it back on my Fitbit Versa 3 again.

The x-teleport selector can be any string you would normally pass into something like document.querySelector. It will find the first element that matches, be it a tag name (body), class name (.my-class), ID (#my-id), or any other valid CSS selector.

Notice how when toggling the modal, the actual modal contents show up AFTER the "Some other content..." element? This is because when Alpine is initializing, it sees x-teleport="body" and appends and initializes that element to the provided element selector.

Alpine tries its best to make the experience of teleporting seamless. Anything you would normally do in a template, you should be able to do inside an x-teleport template. Teleported content can access the normal Alpine scope of the component as well as other features like $refs, $root, etc...

However, native DOM events have no concept of teleportation, so if, for example, you trigger a "click" event from inside a teleported element, that event will bubble up the DOM tree as it normally would.

Alpine does this by looking for event listeners registered on and stops those events from propagating past the live, teleported, DOM element. Then, it creates a copy of that event and re-dispatches it from .

Thank you for checking this issue out. I have a question, why is it that in this I can teleport onto the bigger house ((house_2) same complex model as the smaller house (house_1)) from anywhere but not onto the smaller house? Why then the smaller house (house_1) becomes teleportable when standing on the bigger house (house_2) or other colored grounds except the green ground?

Although their achievements haven't yet risen to the sophistication of the Starship Enterprise's transporter room, physicists in recent years have learned how to fully transfer the identity of one particle onto another particle at a separate location--a form of teleportation made possible by the strange rules of quantum mechanics.

Now, researchers have for the first time succeeded in teleporting the state of an atom across a significant distance to another atom. That's important because atoms can be trapped and held in the same quantum state for considerable periods of time, so can serve as memory units for quantum information. Teleportation between atoms could therefore be an important ingredient in quantum computers or quantum communication systems.

What's transported by quantum teleportation is not an actual particle but information about the quantum state of that particle--in essence, a full specification of the particle's energy and motion, as well as intrinsic properties such as its charge and spin. The first demonstrations of teleportation transferred a quantum state from one photon to another. But because photons, the quantum units of light, are flighty creatures, impossible to pin down in one place, they are not convenient for applications such as quantum computing, where the goal is to create and control quantum states so that their interactions perform a desired calculation.

Far more useful in that regard would be the quantum state of an atom--the energy and spin of a particular electron, for example--since atoms can be held and maintained in a certain state for periods of a second or more. Some recent experiments have demonstrated teleportation between photons and atoms, or between atoms at very close range, but Chris Monroe of the University of Maryland and his colleagues have now teleported atomic states over a distance of one meter.

To see how this example of teleportation works, it's easiest to go through the experimental procedure step by step. The team begins with two ionized atoms of the element ytterbium, each one trapped at an ultralow temperature in separate devices one meter apart. By shining a sequence of brief laser pulses at the ions, the physicists can put them in what are called superposed states, in which each ion in effect exists in two distinct states of ionization at once. A small energy difference separates these two states.

The goal of teleportation is to transfer the state of one of the ions, call it A, onto the other, called B. This can't be done by making a direct measurement on A, because that would force it out of its superposed state into one or other of the two component states--meaning that the measurement would have destroyed any chance of knowing what superposition it was originally in. So a more subtle operation is called for.

The last step to achieve teleportation is for the researchers to conduct an operation on ion A, using microwaves, that reveals partial information about its superposed state. That information is enough, however, that it can be used to determine a microwave operation on ion B that will put it in A's original state. Because this information must travel in some conventional way, teleportation does not break any rules about the impossibility of faster-than-light communication. For teleportation to work, however, it's also essential that the two ions are entangled in a strange quantum way in which actions on one can seem to have an instant effect on the other.

In their experiments, Monroe and his colleagues attempt to teleport states tens of thousands of times per second. But only about 5 times in every billion attempts do they get the simultaneous signal at the beam splitter telling them they can proceed to the final step. As a result, they achieve teleportation only about once every 12 minutes.

This low rate, says Monroe, is mostly because of the difficulty of catching the photons from the ions and sending them to the beam splitter, and because the detectors do not trigger on every photon that comes their way. If they could increase the hit rate even to once in ten thousand attempts, the technique would be potentially useful, Monroe adds. That's because the teleportation time would then be shorter than the demonstrated qubit lifetime of two seconds or more for the trapped ions, allowing quantum links to be formed over much wider networks containing many more qubits. 2351a5e196

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