After the head office explained their plan, something unusual happened at the GP office in Bangladesh. The senior management felt that they needed to focus on existing products. So, instead of taking matters into their own hands, they handed over the task of launching djuice to a team of young executives. Some of these executives had just finished graduation!

Telenor's strategy was to have an advertising agency work with the in-house team. At the time, Leo Burnet was working with Telenor, so their partner company in Bangladesh, Bitopi, was tagged along with the djuice team to work on the launch.

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An FGD (Focus group discussion) was conducted as part of the market research. By the time the report reached the hands of the djuice and Bitopi team, they had already prepared communication materials. The report showed that the TG (Target group) has a very different set of behavior than other customer segments.

To connect with their TG, djuice focused on three things: music, messaging, and friends. GP wanted to portray djuice as a friend whom consumers can relate to and understand. The philosophy behind the tagline was to create a sense of utopia in the mind of the consumers, like how spending time with good friends can remove stress from their minds and rejuvenate them. At that time, none of the telcos had aimed for a brand positioning like this.

On the 14th of April, 2005, Grameenphone launched 'djuice.' The first TVC was directed by the famous Bangladeshi director Amitabh Reza. The snappy, modern-urban language in the djuice ads and the playful attitude quickly gained popularity among the Bangladeshi youth. A membership offer called 'XTRA Khatir' (discount on many fashion stores, restaurants, CDs, sports stores, etc.) was also provided. Customer loyalty programs in Bangladesh were very rare back then, mostly available for corporates with credit cards, so this move again delighted the young consumers.

Unlike competitors, the initial djuice ads didn't show any mobile phone, and they didn't try to prove superiority to other brands. They simply portrayed the lifestyle of youth. The primary medium used were television, newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Their ads also created ambiguities (done intentionally by the GP team) about the product, which aroused curiosity in people, and they would question and talk about it. This set up a unique brand image.

The price of djuice and the tariff plans and the cost of other value-added services were kept as low as possible, compared with other operators of that time. It was held with the TG in mind, as they had a limited budget. Djuice also provided SMS, MMS, and internet services at an affordable price; 100 SMS for 5 Taka was a lucrative deal at that time.

It was a good start, and things were looking positive for djuice. The brand was now looking for ways to expand its market share and penetrate deeper within the segment. One day, out of the blue, someone noticed that the network of GP goes pretty much unused during the nighttime.

What happened was beyond imagination. Within the first two weeks, the number of djuice subscribers spiked at an unprecedented rate. Every university and college student, every young employee, pretty much any young boy or girl who could afford a mobile phone got their hands on a djuice sim. Sales and usage skyrocketed. At a point, the traffic got so huge that it started congestion and disrupted the regular customers of other GP products. To solve the issue, the offer had to be pushed back from 10 PM to start from midnight.

People took advantage of the conference option on mobile phones, and djuice literally made midnight 'adda' digital. They had fun, people formed new relationships and broke up over these phone conversations, people found new friends. Four years before the launch of Facebook, this was the hippest social network in Bangladesh.

Unlimited talk-time at night allowed the youth a kind of freedom they had never felt before. Before djuice, only a few privileged houses could afford a system to arrange a conference call using the T&T services. And only 3 or 4 parties could join. Because of this offer, even ten people could join a conference for almost no cost at all. Such an exclusive, first-time-in-the-history offer kept djuice's user base growing.

Taking advantage of its vast subscriber base, djuice arranged different special programs for their customers. Naturally, they received a tremendous response. The most famous of them was Drockstar, a 'Battle of Bands' version of Bangladesh. Late Ayub Bacchu, Partha Barua, Shafin Ahmed, and many other famous musicians appeared as judges. Bands like Bortoman, Dour, Radioactive, Eclipse, Power Surge, Dreek emerged through the program. To date, it is the most popular and successful TV program made on the competition of bands.

The concerts organized by djuice also saw massive crowds, often leading the organizers to shut down the venue an hour or two before the event started! Groups climbed venue walls and even trees to see the performance. Many a time, the police had to be enforced to manage the crowd.

On the 14th of April, 2007, djuice Bangladesh shed its old logo and put on a new logo which was a part of the worldwide rebranding process of djuice. The concept was: "Duniyar shukh only on my djuice."

Star Cineplex and djuice signed a contract to bring 4 Hollywood blockbuster movies every year. The movies were exclusively open to djuice subscribers for the first 6 days after release. Xtra Khatir cardholders also got extra benefits (free soft drinks, a box of popcorn, a free ticket) with every ticket purchase. Pizza hut provided Free Pepsi, Unlimited Pepsi. Unique gifts (djuice pen, djuice keyring, djuice T-shirt, djuice cap) to djuice cardholders by different partner shops. djuice bandana and 'fatua (a special Bangladeshi garment)' during Pahel Baishakh was another hit combo of free merch.

In November 2008, djuice launched a new campaign with the underlying theme being djuice allows oneself to 'Break Free' (translated in Bengali as 'Hariye Jao') from the monotonous everyday life. The djuice teams visited 52 university and college campuses nationwide. They wanted to provide a platform for the aspiring youth of our country who had the desire to do something unique like a model, RJ, or lyricist but didn't have the opportunity.

From the mid-2000s, an entire generation was branded as the djuice generation. Even though there were other telecom companies, djuice became the brand of that generation. It had its own identity, customer base, looks, activities, and language different from others.

As a part of the 2008 campaign, the djuice team came up with a new concept - Bondhu, Adda, Gaan - Ekhanei, Hariye Jao. As a part of that campaign, a song was recorded featuring Jon Kabir and Mila composed by Fuad. Like many previous djuice campaigns, this song, 'Tumi Ki Shara Dibe?' went viral nationwide.

Not everyone appreciated the language and attitude portrayed in the communication of djuice. Some people criticized djuice for promoting slang, aggression, and 'Un-Bengali-like' culture. As the years progressed, the allegations also increased. This negativity had struck a nerve with the senior management.

GP team eventually felt that they needed to focus more on their other brands and defocused their attention on djuice. The reasons behind the decision remain unknown. The last major campaign for djuice was a tribute to the national poet of Bangladesh, 'Kazi Nazrul Islam.'

Even after being a brand was THE trendsetter in the category, today, djuice is no longer the iconic brand it once was. Those young customers that djuice had captured have all grown up (at least, physically). Many of them are married with children and settled down, some of them having met through those digital 'addas.' The mention of the name djuice can still trigger memories of joy, laughter, an age of innocence, and mischief. The youth segment of Bangladesh, however, has been refilled with a new and energetic millennial generation.

When you recieve message from telenor by sending "Migrate" at 345.Reply this message by selecting the number of offer not by writing the choice. For example reply by 1,2,3,4......, not by "djuice din raat".

Although I was initially disappointed with the look and feel as the brand matures so does my appreciation. I am pleasantly intrigued by this 3D rendered version lurking inside this djuice advertisement:

The project was a joy and so as always working alongside Dave. The client was great, very involved and interactive, open to all our ideas and creativity and the added fact it has been successful throughout the globe is a joy. Its also good to see that djuice keeps getting updated and recently it has been reinvigorated by the people @bleed.

Given how important staying online has become for the youth, djuice aims to create seamless connectivity where they can always stay online. This will help the youth to stay up to date and never miss out on anything ever again. To achieve its ambitions, djuice has created the most tension free mobile internet experience in Pakistan. The youth of Pakistan will now have more mobile internet than they can handle, with no restrictions from any time windows.

A djuice 2003-ban jelent meg Norvgiban s Magyarorszgon egyszerre, a mostani arculatvlts a harmadik a mrka trtnetben. A mobiltelefonokat s a velk elrhet szolgltatsokat a fiatalok szmra eladhatbban csomagol brand tovbbra is teljes egszben a Pannon tulajdont kpezi, a szolgltats- s kszlkvlasztk pedig a djuice szmls s krtys ajnlatok mellett szinte egy az egyben fedi a mobilszolgltat lakossgi gyfeleknek sznt ajnlatait.

A Pannon ugyanakkor ezttal kzssgi alap tbbletszolgltatsokat is prbl becsempszni a djuice-ba, gy az elkvetkez hnapokban tbbek kzt fnykp- s videomegoszt, valamint a npszerbb webes e-mail rendszerekkel egyttmkd mobil e-mail kliens kerl a repertorba, illetve SMS s MMS-alap szolgltatsok bevezetst tervezi egy kzssgi oldallal karltve. A HWSW rteslsei szerint az egyttmkd partner a FaceBook lehet. A szolgltatsok egy rsze ingyenes lesz, de lesz amirt fizetni kell, a szolgltats jellegtl s az ignybevtel idszaktl, rendszeressgtl fggen legfeljebb pr szz forintot, azonban ezen fell nem kell majd extra adatforgalmi djat fizetni (kivve roaming esetn) -- mondta el lapunknak Morten Saugnes, a djuice igazgatja. e24fc04721

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