e-mail @t-online.de is now even easier to use on Internet-capable cell phones and offers the right solution for all your needs: Users of Deutsche Telekom's e-mail services can now access the t-online.de e-mail center through their cell phone browsers. They can also use the e-mail programs on their cell phones to send and receive messages, using standard protocols such as POP3 or IMAP and SMTP.


Wenn Sie Ihr Festnetz-Produkt bei der Telekom gekndigt haben, knnen Sie Ihre @t-online.de/@magenta.de E-Mail-Adresse noch bis zu 6 Monate weiterhin nutzen. Danach mssen Sie die E-Mail-Adresse in einen Freemail-Account umwandeln, wenn Sie sie weiterhin verwenden mchten.

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For customers who do not want to operate their own mail server in the Open Telekom Cloud, we offer free anti-virus and anti-spam functionalities for your outgoing email traffic with the Secure Mail Gateway. The service thus prevents your sender IP from being put on a blacklist of unwanted senders by anti-spam databases and from getting blocked. In this way, the Secure Mail Gateway protects your reputation and ensures secure delivery of your customer mailings.

Not only the anti-virus and anti-spam function ensures secure email marketing. In addition, the Sender Domain Check protects against misuse and the blacklist monitoring alerts you to entries in blacklists.

Good/Bad routing prevents you as the sender from permanently ending up on block lists of anti-spam providers. It first checks the email to be sent and assesses how likely it is to be considered spam. If the message is inconspicuous, it is sent via one of the "good" gateways. In the case of suspected spam, on the other hand, this suspicious email is sent via the "bad" gateway. Then there is a higher chance that the gateway will be put on a block list. Should this occur, the Support will check whether this can be remedied. However, there is no guarantee of this.

This function protects against misuse by checking whether the sender address is a valid domain before sending a mail. This means that the domain has a public MX record or at least a public A record that assigns an IP address to the address. Mails with sender addresses that do not meet these criteria are discarded.

A forced TLS communication can be set up based on the sender and recipient domain. For mails at these set up domains, the connection between the mail servers is then compulsory TLS encrypted. (In the event of an error, mails are then directly rejected or withheld if no TLS connection is established with the external mail server).

Store the following DNS-A record as SMARTHOST in the mail server or in your mail application:


otc-de-out.mms.t-systems-service.com (for new clients)

a:otc-de-spf.mms.t-systems-service.com (SPF) (for new clients)

Yes, I herewith consent to the use of the data I supplied by T-Systems International GmbH for the purpose of giving advice on products and providing me with information by e-mail, post, telephone or online. Under the consent I have given here, the data shall be forwarded for these purposes exclusively within T-Systems International GmbH and Telekom Deutschland GmbH. I am entitled to withdraw my consent at any time by writing to T-Systems International GmbH (E-Mail: MAC-Support@telekom.de). I confirm that I have taken note of the information regarding the right to withdraw consent and of the privacy information.

Note: Internet email is not secure and should never be used to communicate confidential information. Please be cautious in sending us messages about your health or providers that you might not want other people to see. Our health care providers will not diagnose or provide medical advice using unsecured email.

Email the Research and Academic Affairs Office to assist you in resolving questions, concerns or complaints about research related patient care, laboratory issues, or services, to file a formal complaint, or to commend a Researcher or member of their staff member.

In the Second World War the Reichspost authority spread out to the Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany, such as the Reichsgau Wartheland, the Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreuen, and the Polish General Government. In 1941 postal codes were introduced. The Feldpost military mail organisation of the Wehrmacht not only served Army, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine service members, but also SS-Verfgungstruppen, Waffen-SS and Reichsarbeitsdienst members in the field, becoming the general postal authority of the occupied territories. Deliveries were more and more affected by the advance of Allied troops from January 1945 onward. The Reichspost finally ceased to function with the German Instrument of Surrender on 8th May. The last Reichspostminister Julius Dorpmller, a member of the Flensburg Government, was arrested two weeks later, and governmental authority was officially taken over by the Allied Control Council with the Berlin Declaration of 5th June.

Wenn Sie ein Kunde der Telekom sind, haben Sie bestimmt Ihr eigenes Benutzerkonto registriert. Mit dem Telekom Login erhalten Sie Zugang zum Kundencenter und E-Mail-Center. Wenn Sie auerdem Ihre Vertrge einsehen mchten, mssen Sie den Telekom Login durchfhren. Erst dann kann das Kundencenter geffnet werden, wo beispielsweise mit dem Telekom Login die persnliche Mobilfunk Rechnung betrachtet werden kann.

Bereithalten musst du jetzt deine Telekom Zugangsnummer, Handynummer oder E-Mail-Adresse, um deinen Login durchzufhren. Anschlieend kannst du dann regulr auf das Telekom Email Center oder deinen Benutzer-Account zugreifen, bzw. erhltst Einsicht ber deine Zugangsdaten.

Developed by Fraunhofer, the Volksverschlsselung solution will be operated by Deutsche Telekom in a high-security data center. The software is due to be available in the first half of 2016 and will be expanded in stages after its launch. The core of Volksverschlsselung is a software that makes it possible even for users without special IT-knowledge to overcome the technical obstacles of encryption. The software generates the requisite keys, and certifies and integrates them into applications. To be able to send encrypted emails, you have to install the program and identify yourself, whether through Deutsche Telekom's established log-in procedure or using your electronic ID card. The software then generates the cryptographic key on the user's device, allowing emails and data to be encrypted and signed. For the actual encryption itself, most users do not require a new program, as almost all e-mail programs have built-in encryption capability provided the relevant keys are available. Fraunhofer and Deutsche Telekom only receive the public keys. The private keys will never leave the user's computer, so only he will be able to encrypt or sign messages.

"Through our Volksverschlsselung solution, we want to take cryptographic methods that are already established in research and finally make them available to everyone," emphasizes the director of Fraunhofer SIT, Professor Michael Waidner. The particular advantages offered by the method are described by Dr. Thomas Kremer, member of the Deutsche Telekom board of management responsible for data privacy: "Volksverschlsselung is simple, free, and transparent. For us, it is the best tool for establishing e-mail end-to-end encryption among the public at large."

In the first stage, Volksverschlsselung will enable Windows users to encrypt emails sent via programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird. Plans are to roll out versions for Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and Android. The software will initially support the S/MIME standard, and will eventually support OpenPGP as well. Fraunhofer will make the source code generally available. In this way, experts will be able to verify for themselves that Volksverschlsselung does not have any back doors.

Die Kurzfassung: Loggen Sie sich bitte auf Ihrem Speedport ein und deaktivieren Sie das Feature "sichere E-Mail-Server" oder tragen Sie den Mailserver der TU in die Whitelist ein. 

 Eine genauere Anleitung knnen wir leider hier nicht liefern, fragen Sie am besten die Suchmaschine Ihres Vertrauens oder Tante Google: sichere e-mail-server speedport

Kritik: Warum das dem Endkunden grere Sicherheit bescheren soll bleibt ein Rtsel. Den grten Nutzen davon hat hchstwahrscheinlich nur die Telekom, weil so verseuchte Rechner daran gehindert werden, aus dem Telekom-Netz heraus ihre Spammails an beliebige Rechner in der Welt zu verschicken. Und sich daher auch weniger Mailprovider bei der Telekom ber Spam beschweren.

Auch ist die technische Realisierung nicht hinreichend erklrt oder die Erklrung zu schwer aufzufinden. 

 Z.B. lassen die beobachteten Timeouts vermuten, dass die Sperre ber Firewall-Regeln auf dem Speedport erreicht wird. Und auf den diversen im Netz zu findenden Screenshots ist zu erkennen, das die Liste der Server aus DNS-Namen besteht. Firewalls arbeiten aber normalerweise mit IP-Adressen. Und DNS-Namensauflsungen haben nur eine beschrnkte zeitliche Gltigkeit, grenordnungsmig Minuten oder Stunden. Wann genau erfolgt also die Namensauflsung der DNS-Namen zu IP-Adressen? Nur beim Start des Speedport? Regelmig einmal am Tag? Bei jedem Zugriff auf Port 25 oder 587? Wenn man also mail.tu-harburg.de in die Liste der erlaubten Server eintrgt und der Server ndert seine IP-Adresse, mssen dann alle Nutzer Ihre Speedports neu starten?

Eduroam is a service of scientific institutions worldwide to allow each others students and employees to connect to their Wi-Fi. This surely is one of the biggest examples of international cooperation in the scientific community. A lot of Eduroam user accounts are insufficiently secured and therefore open to attacks, as concluded by researchers of the Institute of Distributed Systems in collaboration with the Communication and Information Center (KIZ). It is possible to extract users' account data with comparatively low effort, due to often faulty configuration of the account data in smartphones with the Android Operating System. 

"It is essential to provide the certificate of the German Telecom (Deutsche Telekom) when setting up the account. Unfortunately, as a default, Android does not use a certificate and does not warn the user about the dangers," says security researcher Thomas Lukaseder of the Institute of Distributed Systems. Manuel Strobel, Computer Science student at Ulm University, looked into this vulnerability within the scope of his bachelor's thesis. He concluded that while most Eduroam and Android users were certain that they used the certificate, in fact two thirds of all Android devices within the Eduroam network did not. This allows attackers easy access to the account data. Tests inside and in front of the university's main canteen, in lectures and on the way from and to the university confirmed the vulnerability of the account data of over 200 university members. However, the tests merely determined the susceptibility of account, rather than retrieving any sensitive data.

The researchers of Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl's research group at Ulm University found that 47% of all devices in the eduroam network at Ulm University where vulnerable and thus confirm similar results of a study conducted at the Ruhr-University Bochum. There, 52% of all Eduroam accounts were not secured correctly. This clearly shows, that this problem persists not only in Ulm and Bochum but most likely at every scientific institution taking part in the Eduroam network. The results of both studies are similar even though the installation guide in Bochum did not include the certificate until a few months before the tests, whereas the guide provided by the KIZ in Ulm was correct. Additionally, the study executed in Ulm looked into the extent of the vulnerability dependent on the chosen major of the students. It concluded that Computer Science students are the most affected as they use Android and Eduroam far more often than other students. Technical background on the other hand has no influence on whether the accounts are configured correctly.

The student account data could be used to look up all academic grades of the affected person, subscribe or unsubscribe them to courses and exams, or to read and write e-mails from their account. The potential consequences are even more dramatic in the case of employee data. For example, in case of an examiner's account, it could be possible to change students' grades and thus even cause the de-registration of students.

If you are affected by this vulnerability, you should change your Eduroam settings according to the manual published by the KIZ on their homepage or do not use Eduroam at all. Please make sure that you use the Certificate of the Deutsche Telekom. You should also change your password after securing your account. 2351a5e196

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