Celebrating winter holidays

source: https://ru.dreamstime.com/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE-%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B8-%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%8B-image58998568

Winter in Germany & Israel





Celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year

Holiday items




Special food

Traditional gifts




Clothing for celebrating




Traditional songs

General information:

General information:

The goal is to encourage students from different countries to exchange values and traditions by interacting with each other. Learning to work in a team and improving social skills when encountering a foreign culture. Expanding vocabulary by using writing and speaking skills.

Students' age: 12-13

Skills trained in this project: writing and speaking

Digital tools:

The most important digital tool for this telecollaboration will be Zoom. It is a platform for online video meetings and most likely known by the students. The students will be reminded of how they can join breakout rooms (where a few students can work on their own without the teacher) and they will learn how to record a session. In each group one student will get the permission by the teacher to be able to record a session, which will work via a red recording button. After the session the students who recorded this session has to wait until the file is downloaded and then they will be able to send it to the teacher.

The second digital tool the students will be using is WordWall. Here the teachers are able to create different tools for teaching, in our planned lessons they will use a spinning wheel with several prompts to start a conversation. A link will be made accessible for that and via that link the students will be able to spin the wheel and use the prompts for their discussion.

The students will learn about Padlet in their first lesson. It is a website used to share thoughts and information between a group. Text fields can be created with different fonts, sizes and colors. In the end when several people have gathered information on Padlet it may look like a bulletin board and everyone with access to the link will be able to have a look at the shared text fields and may add another one.


Lesson 1

In the first lesson the pupils of Israel and Germany get to know each other. Before they meet the teachers, both in Germany and Israel explain the digital tools, which are being used and how the next few lessons will work. The teacher has prepared different cards with Christmas and Hanukkah pictures and every pupil draws a card. There are always two identical cards. The kids with the same pictures are in one group with the kids from Israel, who have the same cards. So every collaboration group has 4 members. Every group has a number on their cards. The teacher prepares for every number a breakout room on Zoom, in which they can meet. On their first meeting the teams can get to know each other by introducing themselves. If they have difficulties they can get assistance by keywords. The lesson ends after 45 minutes.

Keywords: name, age, pets, weather, hobbies, school day.


  • Teacher

  1. Prepare cards with Christmas and Hanukkah themed pictures and the same number on the identical cards.

  2. Introduce the students the students to Padlet and WordWall, and explain how the recording on Zoom is working, so that they can record their breakout sessions.

  3. Hand the cards out to the children. Each picture should exist twice so that the collaboration group has 4 members (from each country 2 students).

  4. Write down the keywords on the blackboard and explain the task for this lesson.

  5. Prepare a breakout room for the groups and sort the students into each room.

Can do statements:

  1. Can understand questions and instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short, simple directions.

  2. Can recognize words and simple phrases related to familiar topics with or without the support of pictures.

  3. Can understand words and short sentences when listening to a simple conversation (e.g., between a customer and a waiter in a cafe), when people talk slowly and clearly.

  • Students

  1. Listen closely to the explanation, your teacher is giving you about Padlet, WordWall and Zoom.

  2. Find your partner using the card.

  3. Listen to your teacher's explanation about the task.

  4. Go on Zoom and record your breakout session.

  5. Get to know the Israeli students and try to use the keywords written on the blackboard.

  6. End the recording after the lesson and send it to your teacher.

Lesson 2

In the second lesson the pupils meet on their Zoom breakout rooms for the second time. The groups talk about Christmas and Hanukkah by spinning the wheel on wordwall.net and talking about the pictures, they discuss differences and similarities of cultures (pictures of Christmas and Hanukkah and common pictures). Therefore, one pupil has to share the screen and spin the wheel. For every spin there are 3-4 minutes planned. The impressions are collected on a Padlet.

Wordwall link


sources (down below)*

Padlet link


(source padlet background: https://myloview.de/sticker-retro-empty-comic-bubbles-or-speech-and-thought-set-icon-in-white-nr-BBF9857)


  • Teacher

  1. Quickly go over the plan for the lesson with the students and remind them of WordWall and Padlet.

  2. Divide them in their breakout rooms like last time.

Can do statements

  1. Can understand basic descriptors (adjectives from Band I Cores I and II) about where things or people are, if spoken slowly and clearly and where necessary supported by pictures or gestures.

  2. Can give a simple description of an object or picture while showing it to others using basic words, phrases and formulaic expressions, especially when he/she can prepare in advance.

  3. Can write messages and online postings as a series of very short sentences about hobbies and likes/dislikes, using level-appropriate language (vocabulary and grammar).

  • Students

  1. Meet up with your group on Zoom.

  2. Have someone from your group to share the screen. This person will also click on the WordWall link and spin the wheel.

  3. Let everyone talk about the pictures and note down what you learnt on Padlet.

  4. End the recording after the lesson and send it to your teacher.

Lesson 3

In the last lesson of this collaboration intercultural project the groups should create an invitation on a Padlet for Hanukkah and Christmas. (Germans are inviting for Hanukkah and Israeli inviting for Christmas).

The teacher has to prepare a checklist, which topics should be included in each invitation.

  • dress code;

  • food;

  • what time;

  • activities.

Write 1-2 sentences by their own.

Padlet link


(source padlet background: https://www.experto.de/businesstipps/die-groessten-irrtuemer-im-winter-ist-die-sonne-weiter-weg.html)


  • Teacher

  1. Prepare the checklist.

  2. Hand out the checklist to the students and explain the task.

  3. Divide them into the same breakout rooms like last time.

Can do statements:

  1. Can invite peer contributions to very simple tasks using short, simple phrases.

  2. Can express an idea in simple language and ask what others think.

  3. Can exploit a very basic range of simple expressions related to personal details and needs of a concrete type.

  4. Can write messages and online postings as a series of very short sentences about hobbies and likes/dislikes, using level-appropriate language (vocabulary and grammar).

  • Students

  1. Listen to the instructions and have a look at the checklist.

  2. Go on Zoom and create an invitation with your group using Padlet.

Good luck!