Jin is in line with his tekken 3 counterpart, him being hotheaded but still serious. Weird seeing him do normal human things like socialise, for a guy that was meant to be a loner he does interact alot. The struggle with his peaceful kazama side and the brutal mishima side is neat. The devil stuff from tekken 3 is obviously retconned to be about the devil gene.

Heihachi is dick, just like the games. I really liked how he delved into the training of the mishima style. One thing thay bugged me was the lantern thing, why would he still have a gift from his father that he hated? I guess its about the history and principle since it connects with the fighting style. His motivations are all there with him wanting to lure ogre to do experiments on his power while using jin to do so. He does successfully pop a few caps in jin just like in tekken 3 and the added thing of him wanting to rid the devil gene kinda makes him more of an evil asshole in my opinion, he's delusional. Them following jins tekken 3 ending at the end was amazing. Loved it.

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Jun is great, definitely a highlight. She doesnt have much character development outside of tekken 2 and the previous tekken anime movie but this one nails her, she's all peaceful while being strict with her teachings. Her teachings to jin stick throughout the series which gives impact to his motivation. Shows how influental she was.

They finally did Paul justice for the most part, he's gotta be my fav. He's a goofball but not a complete joke. He's serious and actually built up to be this incredibly strong opponent who went toe to toe with kazuya. Genuinely badass here. They dropped the ball at the end however. He gets his ass kicked by king and doesnt even do shit to ogre, jin steals the spotlight. Contradicts alot of what happens in tekken 4 which is arguably the best Paul. He doesnt even fight jin, a confrontation with them would have been sick. Overall Paul is amazing, seriously the best version of paul we've had in 20 years despite being done so dirty.

Since its only 6 episodes it feels very rushed. Alot of characters are omitted and you dont get much time with them. Loved the character dynamic between jin xiaoyu and hwoarang. Julia and Nina exist but dont do much, from the small amounts of screentime they get theyre decent. julia is wearing her tekken 7 outfit instead of her cool tekken 3 ones which sucks, her story with the pendant plays a big role which is nice.

Barely anyone has their tekken 3 outfits except for Jin Heihachi King and Paul. Everyone else has outfits from later games. Heck Heihachi doesnt have his cool ass pimp suit from 3. The music is generic as hell. Wish they'd use music from the games.

Overall a medicore anime but the best tekken adaptation we've ever had. Loved it so much as a tekken fan. Way too short but expands on the things we didnt know about such as jin's backstory. More personality and interactions between characters is great to see. I'd rate it about a 5 out of 10.

The destruction of the mountain in Tekken: Bloodline is therefore the anime's answer to showing Jin's rejection of the Mishima bloodline after Heihachi's betrayal (indicated in-game by Jin's adoption of traditional Karate over Mishima-ryu), the memory of Jun triggering the return of Jin's reason, and finally, the destruction of Honmaru and subsequent unleashing of Jinpachi after what should have been a three-way bout between Jin, Heihachi and Kazuya at the end of the fourth tournament.

In the first two Tekken games, another character and part of the Mishima bloodline, Kuzuya. Kuzuya was not only a powerful fighter but was possessed the devil gene. This gene made him very powerful, dangerous and enabled him to transform into the being known as Devil Kazuya. He was evil in its purest form.

An intrinsically fight-based video game series like "Tekken" obviously centers on the aspects of hand-to-hand combat, and it is up to the player to figure out the most effective combos to knock out an opponent during a particularly intense fight. Out of the many playable main characters of the game, "Tekken: Bloodline" chooses to focus on Jim Kazama, who is almost exclusively featured on all the console versions since his debut in "Tekken 3." Kazama grew up amid great turmoil, as everything he loved was taken away from him, urging him to level up his strength and agility as he wished to enact revenge upon the Mishima bloodline and rid the world of evil. 17dc91bb1f

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