Lifecycle of a Grant

  1. Teacher has innovative idea for educational program/equipment (s)he would like funding for
  2. Teacher fills out Grant request form and TEF Purchase Order Requisition

(go to TEF website: and go to grant information )

  • Flash Grants (for amounts up to $2,000) –voted on in 1 reading
  • Major Grants (for amounts >$2,000) – voted on in 2 readings
  1. Teacher submits Grant and PO to Principal for approval
  2. Grant and Purchase Order are then sent to Bd of Education (BOE), who registers the grant and passes it on to the Superintendent for approval.
  3. If approved by the Superintendent, BOE sends Grant to the TEF Board to vote on (Flash Grants require one reading; Major Grants require 2 readings; TEF Board meetings are held once a month so Major Grants take two months for a decision). TEF Board Meetings are generally the 2nd Wed. of every month (see list of meeting dates below).
  4. Teachers are notified of the outcome within 24 hours, by email.
  5. If TEF approves the Grant, payment is issued by check, and the Grant is added to the agenda of the next BOE meeting, for acceptance
  6. If approved, TEF funds are deposited by Central Office and held pending disbursement. Purchase Orders are processed the Tenafly Board of Ed.
  7. TEF meetings are scheduled right before BOE Board meetings to expedite the speed of grant approvals.

Sample timing of Flash Grant:

10/1 Teacher has idea; fills out Grant form and TEF Purchase Order

10/5 Teacher submits to Principal

10/7 Principal approves both forms and sends to BOE, who registers the grant and passes it on to the Superintendent for approval

10/9 BOE Superintendent reads Grant and, if approved, passes it on to TEF

10/14 TEF Board meeting- votes on Grant. If approved, TEF issues a check and the Grant is added to the agenda of the next BOE meeting

10/19 BOE meeting: will vote on whether to accept funding of the Grant from TEF. Funds are released thereafter