To be able to execute server commands while playing, there is a remote console. To open it, press F2 (or the key you have chosen). You will now be asked to enter a password. If you did not set up a password in your config, a random one will have been generated: check the server log.

There are lots of server settings to change all from the score limit, to the speed of the shotgun. This doc will show you what those are, not how to set up a server. Read the Server Setup doc to learn that. For server commands, see the Server Commands doc.

Teeworlds Server Config Download

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Can anyone tell me quickly what i have to do to setup my server as instagib?

What to Download and where? (If there are more than one, which is the best one or most common one)

I guess the rest will be easy as the Server config stuff issn't that hard to do.

Okay I was able to set up an ictf Server with the Mod from LordSK.

I just used my ctf config and changed gametype from ctf to ictf and used the instashield_win64.exe instead of the teeworlds original srv.exe That worked well so far.

Next thing would be to find the page where you can do the port forwarding stuff.

- On mine: _virt.htm

Now, the confusing part ::

You'll need to forward the port: 8303 - UDP

On Belkin, this is so easy (will show you a picture later)!

You'll need to know your IP on your router - Mine is

The last digit (4 in my situation) is the most important in this configure!

It is your private router IP. 

- Find mine, with testing with every digit up to 9 . Example: and and so on

In my router:

it irks me a lot that you tell people to run the teewars server with root privileges, which is totally unnecessary.

you can just leave the sudo command out and it should work just the same, but i would personally recommend setting up a seperate teewars user if you're serious about security issues.

You get the most important parts and it's great. As an addon I'll recommend anyone to use screen if you want the server to be up long. Screen keeps the application going even if you close the terminal or detaches the screen.


Where /path/... is the path to the Teeworlds folder, where you can find teeworlds and teeworlds_srv

Then you switch to an other console with ALT+CTRL+F2 (e.g., can take also 3 to 5, has same effect)

there you just type:

Im running debian linux on my server so i just took the skeleton for init-scripts thats provided with debian and adjusted it a bit.

Now i can just copy it and set a different config file for each server i want to run. Remember that the teeworlds directory and its contents has to belong to games:games.

The script Deep-Ocean posted uses the runscript interpreter which seems to be included only with gentoo linux.

Teeworlds is a free 2D Multplayer online shooting game for Linux, Windows and Mac, very enjoying, it include many game modes (16 players game modes) like Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and many other game modes that are developed by game community, you can even design your own maps, create your own server mode and invite friends to it.

First of all you will have to download the gameserver.You can find the latest version here.You will have to click on the most top commit message in order to get a list of releases for different operating systems.As nighly versions are not kept alive forever, you have the alternative to download the lastest stable release from here

The next step is to create a configuration for your server.First of all you create a file called autoexec.cfg in the same directory as the zcatch_srv (executable).The name autoexec.cfg is a special name that is used by default for every Teeworlds server.It is the file that is used as the configuration file (must be located in the same folder as the executable) when no custom file is passed via the ./zcatch -f custom.cfg flag.

On Linux and macOS you will have to navigate from a terminal to the unzipped folder with cd ~/Downloads/teeworlds-0.7.x-osx/.In order to see the directory contents, you can execute the ls command.If the autoexec.cfg file is in the same directory as the zcatch_srv executable, all you need to do is to execute the file with ./zcatch_srv.In case of some permission error, you execute chmod +x zcatch_srv and retry executing the gameserver with ./zcatch_srv again.If you want to use a custom filename for your configuration file, you can pass that file path when starting the server as shown above.Windows does also offer the PowerShell as well as the classic cmd.exe that allows you to navigate your operating system in a terminal.The PowerShell works a lot like the Unix-based operating systems and offers the same commands like cd /path/to/directory/ and ls.In order to execute the server on a Windows machine, you will do the same as with Linux and macOS, but will have to use ./zcatch_srv.exe instead of ./zcatch_srv.

What we offer for DDNet is the client and serversoftware as well as official servers that run allaround the world. We have an international community of players trying to beatthe latest maps and records, and dozens of mappers who send in their newestcreations for our consideration. A new map is released every fewdays and occasionallytournaments happen in which the best competeagainst each other on brand-new maps.

At the time of writing there are 968 people playing Teeworlds, 678 of which areon a server running the DDNet mod, and 430 on the official DDNet servers. Sothis project is not especially big and not many people stumble upon DDNet. Ourplayer base consists in a large part of old Teeworlds players and their friendswho heard about us by word of mouth.

We exclusively use cheap virtual private servers (VPS). They offer enoughperformance for us and are significantly cheaper than dedicated servers. Tohave a bit stronger guarantees on performance I prefer KVM and XEN over OpenVZ,but there are good and bad hosters for each. In the end you always have to tryout a hoster for a few days up to a month to find out if it is suitable forhosting official DDNet servers. The most important criteria for us are:

When in doubt, ask locals what hosters they use or recommend, or check thewhois entries for servers in the region that seem to run well. For example thewhois entry tells you that (andthis blog) are hosted at Nuclear Fallout Enterprise, connected by the InterNAPNetwork:

January 26, 22:34

Be informed that when we are back online and GTD reports that it will providefurther details about the incident as it was just reported that the fiber cutwas due to vandalism, the streets in Providencia are now reported to be safefor repair works again.

We do not have backup lines. It will at least take another hour butrepairs should not take longer than until this morning. You will bemailed a report instantly when the servers are back online and tomorrowGTD will send a report with details.

To make sure that our servers keep running well, we monitorthem and record the serverstatistics. When an unexpected event happens,like a server downtime or high network traffic, a notification is automaticallysent. You can read more about this system in a separate post from lastmonth.

As the operating system our servers run Linux, preferablyDebian, but also some instances of Ubuntu andCentOS. In areas like South Africa, South America and Iran bandwidth can beexorbitantly expensive, so when you get a donated server in one of thoselocations you can not afford to be picky.

Initially we started with a single VPS and a database running directly on it.As we grew to add more locations around the world we used a circularmaster-slave replication. With time some servers turned out to be less stablethan others, so they were taken out of the loop, their game serverscommunicating with nearby MariaDB servers instead:

The DDNet client and server, being based on Teeworlds, are also written inC/C++ (also known as C with classes). Luckily their performance was good fromthe start, but a few optimizations still helped with keeping the load low whenrunning up to 60 game servers on a single VPS, for example:

Back when DDNet started in 2013 the website ran on the same VPS as our gameservers. Later we switched to hosting the website on a separate VPS, in part toimprove the DDoS protection by having mostly UDP on game servers and mostly TCPon the web server, but also to make sure that the website traffic and CPU usagedo not impact the game servers.

This has become even more important since the map downloads are now alsohappening over HTTP from the web server instead of going over UDP from the gameservers. Automatically updating the list of available maps is done with a smallNim script that I already presented in a previousarticle:

Pages about player status,ranks, map releasesand mappers are also statically built, but byPythonscriptsdirectly on the server. This also makes sense since these pages are expensiveto build and are requested more often than they have to be generated.

For the automated builds we use bundled static libraries, while people whobuild our software locally probably prefer to use their system libraries. Usingpkg-config we detect whether libraries are available at compile-time andotherwise use the static ones if they are available. This behaviour can becontrolled manually as well:

Even a JavaScript port of DDNet client is available forplaying without any installation, compiled with Emscripten. For this purposethe official servers also accept WebSocket connections additionally to UDP.

The best part about DDNet is its active community. New maps for our servers areregularly sent in to be tested and later released. Initially the testingprocess was implemented as Trac installation. Butit turned out that the non-technical people did not appreciate it much, so weswitched to a regular phpBB forum for testing andcommunication.

New maps can be uploaded by our testers to the test servers and then testedthere. The map upload happens with an upload script to the web server. The testservers around the world use sshfs to access these maps. e24fc04721

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