Introduction to Linux Screen

This is supposed to be a concise tutorial and you should not spend longer than 10 minutes to go through it.

What is Linux screen?

Screen is a terminal multiplexer. Processes running inside a screen will continue to run even their windows are not visible or are disconnected.

The screen package is preinstalled in most Linux distros nowadays. To check its version, use screen --version. If you don't have it installed on your machine, you can install it by using the package manager of your distros.

Starting and terminating Linux screen

To start a screen session, use the command screen -S session_name. Note that it is also possible to give it a name; however, named sessions are useful when you run multiple screen sessions. It is always a good practice to use a descriptive session name. The program running inside the screen session will continue to run even you close the window. To terminate a screen, use exit.

Reattaching a Linux screen

To resume your screen session, use screen -r. In case that you have many screen sessions, you need to specify the name, too, i.e., screen -r screen_name.

To list all session names, use screen -ls.

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