ラチャラク     ティーラデチ


This is the website of Teeradaj Racharak. I am a Senior Lecturer (Junior Associate Professor or 講師 in Japanese) at the School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and run ReaLearn (the Reasoning & Learning for Trustworthy AI laboratory) at JAIST. 

Before JAIST, I was a software and DevOps engineer, involved in the development of large-scaled web applications including MangaMagazine.net and Inkblazers. I am broadly interested in mathematical modeling and implementation of AI. I specialize in logic and machine learning, particularly in Description Logic, Computational Argumentation, and Deep Learning. I have diverse educational background and work experience in universities and software industries. My research interests (but are not limited to) span across:

I am indebted to all the students and collaborators for our exciting projects. I always seek new collaboration, so I will be glad to hear from you.

News and Highlights


Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

School of Information Science (Building 1, 7F)

Nomi city, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan

Room: I-71 (Clink to see an access map)

Office Phone: (+81) 0761-51-1222

Email: racharak@jaist.ac.jp (work), r.teeradaj@gmail.com (personal)