Hg pull / Git pull. How are they different?

This is supposed to be a concise tutorial and you should not spend longer than 10 minutes to go through it.

An interesting observation

In Git, we use git pull to pull and use the latest changes. However, in Hg, we have to use hg pull and hg update for the same effect.

Why do we use different commands? This is because they are built differently. In Hg, pull only syncs the local repo with a remote repo without touching the working copy. However, in Git, it does pull and update in Hg's terms. In Git, we say pull is a fetch plus a merge. The left-hand side figure demonstrate how Hg work. See also this command equivalence table.

Install and set up Hg Bitbucket

If you want to try Hg on Bitbucket cloud, follow the instructions of Bitbucket's document:

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