From Lia Anggraini to Everyone: (9:57 AM)

a bit sleepy but feeling awesome for today's lecture! :D its NLP

From Operator CLOVE 10 to Everyone: (9:57 AM)


From Georgios to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

Good morning everyone from the UK.

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From Mohd to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From Robby Hardi to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From Paola to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

Hi :)

From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

Good Morning

From Ayuni Mohamed to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

good morning from Malaysia

From Mohd to Everyone: (10:01 AM)

Ended at 11pm for me last night

From Operator CLOVE 10 (Ade) to Everyone: (10:04 AM)

you can give questions on rocket chat, #lecture11 channel

From Operator CLOVE 10 (Ade) to Everyone: (10:15 AM)

apologize for a technical glitch

From Operator CLOVE 10 (Ade) to Everyone: (11:05 AM)

Hello all! I think Katharina already join here, so please write your questions on the rocket chat!

From Operator CLOVE 10 (Ade) to Everyone: (11:19 AM)

Hi all, please feel free to give questions to Katharina

From Dedy Rahman Wijaya to Everyone: (11:28 AM)

Can be CNN and RNN combined for NLP?

From Sabrina to Everyone: (11:30 AM)


From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (11:30 AM)

yes we can

From Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs. to Everyone: (11:30 AM)

yes we can

From Maryam Fatima to Everyone: (11:48 AM)

I really like how energetic the lecturer is. :) Thanks Katharine

From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (11:48 AM)

Thank you

From Lia Anggraini to Everyone: (11:48 AM)

thank you katharina

From Dedy Rahman Wijaya to Everyone: (11:48 AM)

thank you

From Georgios to Everyone: (11:51 AM)

Thank you

From Georgios to Everyone: (12:01 PM)

Good morning

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (12:04 PM)


From Sabrina to Everyone: (12:05 PM)

morning everyone

From FIF - Agung Toto Wibowo - 06810035 to Everyone: (12:08 PM)

morning all

From Operator CLOVE 10 to Everyone: (12:09 PM)

Feel free to ask on rocket chat at #practical5 channel

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (12:09 PM)

If any question or comment to this session, please chat in rocket

From Arif Qodari to Everyone: (12:25 PM)

got this error `ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged, input_shape = [147], output_shape = [7, 7, 32]` could you go back up a bit please?
decoder I think
thanks, there was typo

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (12:27 PM)

yes, I think so typo

From Faldi Sulistiawan to Everyone: (12:33 PM)

what is the purpose of conv2dtranspose in the architecture?
okay, thank you

From Georgios to Everyone: (12:37 PM)

In colour images, can we use variational Autoencoder to extract image colour information?
Thank you

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (12:41 PM)

Can the distribution be other than Gaussian?

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (12:42 PM)

ok, next questions if any

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (12:44 PM)

What if the distribution that have more than 2 parameters?
Like skewed distribution

From Faldi Sulistiawan to Everyone: (12:47 PM)

in all of the variation of VAE, do we just need the mean and logvar the input? or there is a kind of VAE that requires more than just that two parameters?
okay, thank you

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (12:55 PM)

How can we compare the performance of the result from both of the models? Are there any specific metrics?
AE and VAE
Ok, I see

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (12:58 PM)

Hi, boss if we want to reduce KL loss to code..thanks..

From Arif Qodari to Everyone: (1:01 PM)

the plot_history seems has different scales than the actual loss value?
in VAE

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (1:02 PM)

Sorry for slightly OOT, did you just mentioned about U-Net? How can we connect the layers to a model in keras if there is a skip connection in the layer?

From Georgios to Everyone: (1:04 PM)

Can you please show again the correction in Plot History?

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (1:08 PM)

Do we need to use low level or middle level of tensorflow instead of Keras API?
For the skip connection things

From Georgios to Everyone: (1:11 PM)

Thank you

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (1:11 PM)

Thank you for the explanation

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (1:12 PM)

Hi Boss Andit, is there any tips to be good in mathematics in Tensorflow? especially to play around with algorithm. any reference..thanks..

From Georgios to Everyone: (1:15 PM)

What is the GitHub link for the 5b?
Thank you

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (1:15 PM)


From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (1:17 PM)

I found that it is easier to understand math in a paper by using Siraj's tips on how to read paper:

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (1:17 PM)

Though he is less credible now because of his scandal
Another good video on how to read a research paper:

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (1:20 PM)

thanks @wawan

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (1:20 PM)


From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (1:21 PM)

you're welcome

From Risnandar, Ph.D. to Everyone: (1:21 PM)

questions or comments or anything else, please feel free

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (1:22 PM)

Btw, Wawan,, i don't have problem to understand in papers..but i'm facing problem when I want to implement the algorithm in TF..
any tips on that?

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (1:23 PM)

I see, sorry for the misunderstanding
I find that tensorflow is somehow just an advanced version of numpy

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (1:24 PM)

I always code using tensorflow/pytorch by imagining the matrix manipulation exactly like if I code it using numpy

From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (1:25 PM)

How do know the best loss function to use? How do we know how many times to train the generator per discriminator update

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (1:27 PM)

Are all the other variant of GANs based on the same Generator + Discriminator concept?
Thank you, awesome

From Georgios to Everyone: (1:30 PM)

Thank you very much.

From Tuan Anh VU to Everyone: (1:30 PM)

thank you so much