
From ade romadhony to Everyone: (9:33 PM)

hello Shakir, hello everyone!

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (9:33 PM)

Hello, hello! :)

From Shakir (he/they) to Everyone: (9:35 PM)

hi everyone

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (9:35 PM)


From Alfi Yusrotis to Everyone: (9:37 PM)

is there community to enhance ability in machine learning, especially for beginner. second question, what do you think about spectral clustering and K-means clustering

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (9:41 PM)

Your group independently discover VAE in the paper "Stochastic Backpropagation and Approximate Inference in Deep Generative Models" at the same time as Max Welling's group. Could you tell the story behind that?
i'm muted

From Ali Septiandri to Everyone: (9:42 PM)

How long have you been studying Bayesian stats and ML before doing a PhD in that topic?

From Rian Adam Rajagede to Everyone: (9:45 PM)

I don't want to ask something but I just want to say a lot of thank you for your previous lectures, it really motivate and encourage me to learn bayesian :D I use my spare time in this summerschool to learn bayesian machine learning

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (9:45 PM)

I think it’s better if you speak yourself Rian
just say thanks to him directly

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (9:46 PM)

Shakir, I want to know further about DL-Indaba

From yusril maulidan to Everyone: (9:46 PM)

What do you expect from a software/machine learning engineer to join DeepMind?

  • :D

From Stefanos Pan to Everyone: (9:47 PM)

Hi everyone, hi Shakir! Sorry my mic is not working, I will share two general ancient Greek quotes. 1) "Metron ariston" -> All in moderation, moderation is the best thing 2) " γηράσκω ἀεί διδασκόμενος" -> Live and learn. While you live you always learn something

From Heri Nugraha to Everyone: (9:49 PM)

Is it possible to us to collaborate?maybe write a paper together or analysis some case?

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (9:49 PM)

wow cool, it's so unbelievable

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (9:50 PM)

@Tisa, prepare your quotes

From Vishal Gupta to Everyone: (9:54 PM)

Where can I ask my questions?

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (9:54 PM)


From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (9:54 PM)

here, you can unmute yourself when the time is convenience

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (9:56 PM)

yes, indeed

From Robby Hardi to Everyone: (9:57 PM)

How often do you apply bayesian when you decide something in your daily life? :D

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (9:58 PM)

Which 2 papers? Anybody caught that?

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (9:59 PM)

this is the paper from Shakir's group:

  • This is Max Welling's group paper:

From chris simon to Everyone: (10:00 PM)

I want to ask a question :)

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (10:00 PM)

Both are theoretically the same algorithm, which now popularly called VAE

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (10:01 PM)

after this, please Hariyanti, you can unmute yourself

From windy mokuwe to Everyone: (10:04 PM)

I am 30 mins late

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (10:05 PM)

no problem, prepare your quote and question, you can unmute yourself later to ask
after this Tisa, please speak:)

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (10:05 PM)

Shakir, here you go..

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (10:05 PM)

Famous Malay Poem for centuries:

  • Kalau roboh Kota Melaka,

  • Papan di Jawa hamba dirikan,

  • Kalau sungguh bagai di kata,

  • Badan dan nyawa hamba berikan.

  • Translation:

  • If the city of Malacca collapses,

  • We will build it again from scratch at Java,

  • For our believe,

  • I’ll give my all.

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (10:06 PM)

The poem inspired from story of Javanese brotherhood in Islam comes to help Malacca. Unfortunately, Portuguese eventually conquered the city of Malacca in 1511.

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (10:07 PM)

@said ok thank you

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (10:07 PM)

Great poem, great story! Thanks for sharing, Hariyanti :)

From Arif Qodari to Everyone: (10:08 PM)

Hi Shakir, what are your concerns when incorporating ML into a product?

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (10:10 PM)

Renny, my pleasure :)

From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (10:16 PM)

Hi Shakir, I noticed most people that works for Deepmind have a PhD or are already working on one. Is it a requirement to work for a PhD

From yusril maulidan to Everyone: (10:18 PM)

couldn't agree more hahaha

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (10:22 PM)

“When you lose, that’s the best thing for you. No matter what, it’s always a slice of humble pie. It opens your eyes to lose in a way that winning can’t” (Venus Williams-Athlete)

From Anung Ariwibowo to Everyone: (10:23 PM)

Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh.

  • United we stand, divided we fall

  • Kian berisi kian merunduk

  • The more we learn, the more we know there are a lot of things we still don't know

From Mohd to Everyone: (10:23 PM)

Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunya. It means: if you dont put in effort, you wont achive your goal. It's an idiom we use to encourage people to work hard to achieve a goal

From Heri Nugraha to Everyone: (10:32 PM)

Dear Shakir, have you any research project about control instrumentation such as drone or autonomous vehicle, maybe application of bayesian to control tracking system, etc?

From Ali Septiandri to Everyone: (10:34 PM)

SpaceX used Bayesian stats in a way
