
From ade romadhony to Everyone: (9:58 AM)

Hello all, good morning!

From Anung Ariwibowo to Everyone: (9:59 AM)

Good morning bu Ade

From Bagja 9102 Kurniawan to Everyone: (9:59 AM)

hello, good morning bu Ade

From FIF - Agung Toto Wibowo - 06810035 to Everyone: (9:59 AM)

Hello. good morning. I cannot hear anything. is there some playable instrument?

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

I'm sorry, we don't have it :)
ok, I'll start

From FIF - Agung Toto Wibowo - 06810035 to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

ah.. ok.. thank you

From Anung Ariwibowo to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From FIF - Agung Toto Wibowo - 06810035 to Everyone: (10:00 AM)

yes we can

From Operator CLOVE 10 to Everyone: (10:00 AM)


From Radityo Eko Prasojo (Ridho) to Everyone: (10:01 AM)

Morning everyone

  • Link to my presentation:

  • Link to the google colab:

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (10:10 AM)

anyone want to give question, please type it here, or type in rocket chat, #practical8 channel

From Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs. to Everyone: (10:28 AM)

Q: in your slide no 6, what's the meaning of "Domain"? can you give some examples? what's the different domain and diferent task?
I see.. thank you!

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (10:31 AM)

colab link:

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (10:41 AM)

What is the size of your ‘small’ dataset?

From Tisa Siti Saadah to Everyone: (10:42 AM)

could you use 'sampling data' from the whole dataset at pre-training?

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (10:43 AM)

The colab GPU you meant before is the K80?

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (10:44 AM)

Thank you! Not too large indeed, yet it still takes two days. Sounds rather daunting :)

From Anung Ariwibowo to Everyone: (10:45 AM)

The bigger, the merrier :)

From Mawanda A to Everyone: (10:48 AM)

Where can I get the slide from this session?

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (10:48 AM)


From Mawanda A to Everyone: (10:48 AM)

Thank you

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (11:03 AM)

You said that bidirectional context is important. But, I think GPT architectures family use only left to right context, yet they have a good performance. What's your thought?

From Lya Hulliyyatus Suadaa to Everyone: (11:06 AM)

Usually we add [CLS] in the first input, the result will be the same if add the [CLS] in the last input?

From Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs. to Everyone: (11:06 AM)

If I understand correctly, since pretrained model is a language model, can we say that the language model we use as a "feature extractor model" and then we add a task-specific layer on top of it? like in computer vision domain

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (11:08 AM)

Maybe it would be better for Ridho to read the question himself
for this question

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (11:08 AM)

When you said 16 GB of RAM, did you mean the VRAM, and was it for the pre-training stage?
What are your thoughts on the resources we need for the adaptation stage?

From Fitri Indra Indikawati to Everyone: (11:10 AM)

What do you think about the recent hype about GPT-3 model? Why NLP models are still having a difficulties to understand the semantics of sentences despite having a really big training data, parameters and impressive performance?

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (11:12 AM)

Thank you!

From Fitri Indra Indikawati to Everyone: (11:16 AM)

thank you

From Vishal Gupta to Everyone: (11:17 AM)

Where can I access the code/notebook?

From ade romadhony to Everyone: (11:17 AM)


From Lya Hulliyyatus Suadaa to Everyone: (11:30 AM)

Do you have any experience about implement copy mechanism in our fine-tuned model?

From Me to Everyone: (11:31 AM)

do you have experiences about knowledge graph embedding? can you discuss state-of-the-art about this area?
thank you very much.

From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (11:35 AM)

Thank you

From Hariyanti Binti Mohd Saleh to Everyone: (11:35 AM)

Thank you for detail explanation

From Robby Hardi to Everyone: (11:35 AM)

Thank you

From Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs. to Everyone: (11:35 AM)

thank you!