
From Max Welling to Everyone: (5:57 PM)

Where shall I start today? Maybe finish my lecture from yesterday first?

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (5:57 PM)

I think so

From Max Welling to Everyone: (5:57 PM)

Where did we end up yesterday?

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (5:58 PM)

wait i’ll check the slide
Slide 30 Reparameterization trick

From Max Welling to Everyone: (6:00 PM)


From Me to Everyone: (6:00 PM)

where can we get the slide?

From Max Welling to Everyone: (6:00 PM)

I will share afterwards with Said and he can put it on the website

From Me to Everyone: (6:01 PM)

ok! thank you very much :)

From chris simon to Everyone: (6:10 PM)

Can we ask questions here?
on zoom I mean

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (6:10 PM)


From chris simon to Everyone: (6:10 PM)


From Me to Everyone: (6:12 PM)

is the | | an absolute?

From chris simon to Everyone: (6:20 PM)

From your surjective diagram, z is not unique. Does it yield a bigger chance for posterior collapse?

From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (6:24 PM)

For the stochastic process, it is necessary to take samples. I’ve heard the term ‘sample-efficiency’. What does it mean and why does it matter?

From Me to Everyone: (6:26 PM)

At log | det gradient_x(z) |, the notation | | means an absolute, right?

From SAID AL FARABY to Everyone: (6:31 PM)

Sorry, I missed it. We think so:
you can rise your hand if you want to talk directly

From Me to Everyone: (6:40 PM)

thank you very much for your confirmation :)

From Yopi to Everyone: (6:47 PM)

I might have missed, what is the role of the state memory in the hybrid method?

From chris simon to Everyone: (6:47 PM)

Most of your recent works focus on the explicit functions for sample generation such as VAE. Is it because sample generation with implicit functions (e.g. Langevin dynamics+ energy based models) not working really well in practice? What is your take?

From Arian Prabowo to Everyone: (6:51 PM)

I see thank you very much!

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (6:56 PM)

The neural augmentation remind me your work titled "Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models", which is a two layer VAE with distribution of y at the last VAE layer. Do you think combining it can be beneficial?
combining them I mean

From chris simon to Everyone: (6:57 PM)

I see thanks!

From Wawan Cenggoro to Everyone: (6:57 PM)


From Ebuka Oguchi to Everyone: (6:58 PM)

Are there any measures to ensure these deep fakes images are not used for the wrong purposes?

From Wahyu Hidayat to Everyone: (7:23 PM)


From chris simon to Everyone: (7:29 PM)


From Renny P. Kusumawardani to Everyone: (7:39 PM)

Great advice!

From Arian Prabowo to Everyone: (7:47 PM)

That's a very good advise! thank you!

From Me to Everyone: (7:50 PM)

thank you so much !

From Robby Hardi to Everyone: (7:50 PM)

Great talk!