the Teen Mental Health Initiative

The Youth Brigade (YB) aims to involve the Youth in initiating and engaging in conversations around health. In current times, our Youth are coached and educated in many things including career options, grades, courses, extra-curricular activities etc. But there is almost zero or minimal conversation around health. It is not surprising then that they end up making many unhealthy choices as they enter high school/college.

The Wholistic Health Alliance YB initiative is targeted towards youth in the age group of 13-19, with the belief that healthy habits should be inculcated young. A healthy childhood and youth ensures a healthier and productive life, and ultimately a healthier community and world at large.

This platform aims at providing an opportunity for our Youth to connect with their peers, have a conversation in their own ‘lingo’ within their own ‘tribe’ around the topic of health and wellbeing, inspire and support one another, hopefully entrenching them soundly on a healthier life through education, interaction and role modeling. Participating and contributing in non-profit activities allow them to give back to their community as well, while also honing their leadership, communication as well as presentation skills. So this initiative is a win-win for the Youth on many fronts. Wholistic Health Alliance gives community hours to its Youth Brigade members if they are involved in one of our projects and/or when they present/write on a topic around health.