Mental Health Resources for Teens, Parents, and Educators

Videos for Teens with ADHD

The University of Maryland ADHD Program put together a helpful series of videos to assist teens with ADHD in learning skills for staying organized, talking with parents, keeping a routine, managing emotions, etc. Click on the image to get started!

Self-Guided Videos to Promote Mental Health in Teens

The Lab for Scalable Mental Health at Northwestern University developed a series of single-session videos to help teens with their mental health. Topics include things like creating healthy relationships, managing your mood, learning about mental health, and stress management for LGBTQ+ youth. Click on the image to get started!

Understanding Alcohol and The Brain

The National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) created a virtual reality tour of alcohol and the brain, as well as a video series to help parents and educators learn about alcohol and the teen brain. NIAAA also shares tips for parenting to prevent teenage alcohol use here

Mental Health Resources for Teachers

Education Support (based out of the UK) offers videos and guides to help teachers prevent and navigate common challenges, like burnout, dealing with unhelpful colleagues, recharging over summer, and sleep. Click on the image to check out these resources!