Slides of my talks
10/21/24, Hyperbolic inverse problems with time-dependent and time-independent coefficients, -seminar, Spectral and Scattering Theory Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
10/18/24, Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators on Riemannian Manifolds Without Boundary, Analysis and PDE Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
09/18/24, Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators on Riemannian Manifolds Without Boundary, PDE Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
09/06/24, Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Operators on Riemannian Manifolds Without Boundary, Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
08/21/24, Hyperbolic inverse problems with time-dependent and time-independent coefficients, Geometry and Topology -seminar, NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
06/27/24, Hyperbolic inverse problems with time dependent and time independent coefficients, International Conference and School on ‘Inverse Problems’, Fudan University, China
05/07/24, Hyperbolic inverse problems with time dependent and time independent coefficients, Inverse Problems Seminar, LUT University, Finland
04/24/24, Recovery of Time-Dependent Coefficients in Hyperbolic Equations on Conformally Transversally Anisotropic Manifold, Inverse Problems Seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland
04/16/24, Recovery of Time-Dependent Coefficients in Hyperbolic Equations on Conformally Transversally Anisotropic Manifold, Inverse Problems Reading Group, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
03/28/24, Hyperbolic inverse problems with time dependent and time independent coefficients, Inverse Problems & Data Science & Applied Mathematics Seminar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
03/23/24, Recovery of Time-Dependent Coefficients in Hyperbolic Equations on Conformally Transversally Anisotropic Manifolds, AMS Spring SE Sectional Meeting, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
11/18/23, Recovery of Time-Dependent Coefficients in Hyperbolic Equations on Conformally Transversally Anisotropic Manifolds, The 41st Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
08/08/23, Partial Data Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Equation with Time-dependent Damping Coefficient and Potential, Workshop on Mathematical Trends in Medical Imaging, University of Chicago, Illinois, USA
07/17/23, Travel Time Inverse Problems on Compact Riemannian Manifolds, BIRS workshop on Inverse Problems and Nonlinearity, Banff, Alberta, Canada
06/02/23, Three travel time inverse problems on Simple Riemannian manifolds, 2023 AIMS conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, UNC Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
12/08/22, Reconstruction of a manifold from travel time data, Inverse Problems seminar, UC Irvine, California, USA
11/02/22, Geometric Inverse Problems in Medical and Seismic Imaging, First year research seminar, NC State University, North Carolina, USA
03/28/22, Reconstruction of a manifold from travel time data, Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
02/11/22, Uniqueness of the partial travel time representation of a compact Riemannian manifold with strictly convex boundary, GMIG seminar, Rice University, Texas, USA
01/28/22, Reconstruction of a manifold from travel time data, PIMS Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
07/19/21, Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources, SIAM Annual Meeting 2021, virtual conference
06/16/2021, Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources or seismicity clouds, GMIG annual meeting, Rice University, Texas, USA
04/29/2021, Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources, Geometry and Topology Seminar, NC State University, North Carolina, USA
04/20/2021, Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, USA
03/18/2021, Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources, Inverse Problems/Applied Math Seminar, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA
12/3/2020, Probing an unknown elastic body with waves that scatter once: An inverse problem in anisotropic elasticity, International Zoom Inverse Problems seminar, UC Irvine, California, USA
12/2/2020, Probing an unknown elastic body with waves that scatter once: An inverse problem in anisotropic elasticity, Geometry & Analysis zoominar, UC Santa Cruz, California, USA
10/23/2020, Geometric Inverse Problems in a nutshell, First year research seminar, NC State University, NC, USA
10/07/2020, Generic uniqueness and stability for the Mixed Ray Transform, Nonlinear Analysis/Differential Equations seminar, NC State University, NC, USA
09/09/2020, Probing an unknown elastic body with waves that scatter once: An inverse problem in anisotropic elasticity, Geometry & Topology seminar, NC State University, NC, USA
08/14/2020, Probing with elastic waves: Inverse problems in anisotropic elasticity, Inverse Problems Seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland
07/20/2020, Linearized transmission tomography and reflection tomography: two inverse problems in anisotropic elasticity, Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group seminar, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
01/22/2020, Geometric Inverse Problems Arising from Seismology, Mathematics Colloquium, NC State University, NC, USA
12/18/2019, Generic uniqueness and stability for Mixed Ray Transform, Inverse Days 2019, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
08/28/2019, Seeing inside the Earth with Riemannian and Finsler geometry, Analysis-Geometry seminar, Rice U, Houston, Tx, USA
07/18/2019, Seeing inside the Earth with Riemannian and Finsler geometry, International congress of industrial and applied mathematics, Valencia, Spain
07/09/2019, Inverse problem of micro seismicity in anisotropic and isotropic media, Applied inverse problems conference, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France
07/08/2019, Mixed ray transform on simple 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, Applied inverse problems conference, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France
04/30/2019, Inverse problem of travel time difference functions with microseismicity data, GMIG annual meeting, Rice U, Houston, Tx, USA
04/29/2019, Shear-wave splitting and polarization mixed-ray transform, GMIG annual meeting, Rice U, Houston, Tx, USA
04/18/2019, Seeing inside the Earth with micro earthquakes, Probing the Earth and the Universe with Microlocal Analysis, BIRS workshop, Banff, Canada.
12/11/2018, Seeing inside the Earth with micro earthquakes, Inverse days 2018, Helsinki, Finland
11/06/2018, Seeing inside the Earth with micro earthquakes, University of Washington, USA
10/31/2018, Seeing inside the Earth with micro earthquakes, Texas A&M university, USA
09/28/2018, Seeing Inside the Earth with Riemannian and Finsler geometry, University of Houston, USA
08/28/2018, Seeing Inside the Earth with Riemannian and Finsler geometry, University of Helsinki, Finland
04/18/2018, Reconstruction of a Riemannian manifold from scattering data generated by interior point sources, Rice university, USA
01/4/2018, Reconstruction of Riemannian manifold from boundary and interior data, Finnish mathematical days, Joensuu, Finland
09/22/2017, Phd defence, University of Helsinki, Finland
06/01/2017, How to find the Riemannian structure from the local source-to-solution mapping of a wave equation?, AIP 2017, Hangzhou, China
12/9/2016, Determination of a Riemannian manifold from the distance difference functions, IAS HKUST, Hong Kong