
About Me:

I am Sangeeta Gulati,high school Mathematics teacher at Sanskriti School, New Delhi, India. Head of Mathematics Department with passion for using technology, I have the honour of being a National ICT Award winner-2016 and receiving Fulbright Distinguished Award for Teaching,2011 . As a Google Certified Innovator 2014 and Google Certified Trainer 2019 I enjoy sharing and spreading my love for educational technology especially the Google apps.

I am also leader of the Google Educators Group of Delhi and NCR.

This video is part of the applicatioon for the Google Trainer Certication. It showcases my work as a trainer and also demonstrates my skills of training.I received Google Trainer Certifucation in 2019.

Proud and grateful to receive National Award for ICT in 2016. This video captures and celebrates my achievement .

Following one minute video was submitted along with the application for the Google Teacher Academy in 2014. With the acceptance to Google Teacher academy I earned the title of Google Certified Innovator (earlier known as Google Certified Teacher)

Collection of recordings done since March 2020