A study on the attitudes, perceptions and reported use of digital technology among Maltese secondary school science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Integrated Science) teachers

Dear Participants,

I am a physics teacher currently reading for an M.Sc. in Digital Education, as part of which I am currently carrying out a study entitled:

Attitudes, perceptions and reported use of digital technology among Maltese secondary school science teachers

The aim of this study is to explore science secondary school teachers’ (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Integrated Science) use of technology in education and to determine factors that influence such use. As such, I would really value your input about this subject by participating in this survey.

You are kindly asked to complete this questionnaire, which should only take you a few minutes. Your contribution is greatly valued and I would be most grateful if you answer all questions as frankly as possible. However, your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any point without the need for an explanation. Completion of the questionnaire will indicate your consent to take part in the study.

A later phase of the study will involve interviews with some of the questionnaire respondents, participation in which is again entirely voluntary. To this effect, towards the end of the questionnaire you will be asked whether you would be interested in taking part in such an interview. Completing the questionnaire without taking part in the subsequent interview is, therefore, possible.

Please be informed that the findings from this study may be shared with colleagues in conferences and/or published in journals. However, the identity of the individual participants will be not be revealed.

I would also like to inform you that this proposal has been reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Edinburgh. Permission to conduct the study has also been obtained from from the Secretariat for Catholic Education.

Should you have any queries or require further information about the study, do not hesitate to contact me on 79654349 or on robtrapmag@gmail.com. You may also contact my research supervisor, whose contact details can be found below.

Questionnaire link: Please click here

Many thanks for your co-operation.


Supervisor’s Contact Details:

Dr. Hamish Macleod, Senior Lecturer, Education, Community, and Society (ECS), Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. Email: h.a.macleod@ed.ac.uk

Permission for participation in Church Schools: Permission A

Permission for Research in State Schools: Permission B