Virtual Machines

What is A Virtual Machine?

Well, based on my video that is right here, a virtual machine is just that, but how do you set one up? That, my friends, is exactly what this part of the website is made for.

First, Pick a Operating System


Mac Os



Google the operating system and try to find a .iso download link.*

Next, Download Virtual box

Go to the link HERE, but before you download, make sure that your PC is compatible with all of the hardware requirements, software requirements, and display and other external requirements.

Restart Your computer after downloading

Then Follow the Steps to Open

  1. Look for virtual box in your start menu
  2. Click New in Virtual Box
  3. Choose the Settings as follows for what one you want
  4. Here is an example for windows 3.1
    • Microsoft Windows
    • Windows 3.1
    • Make Up A Name
    • Click Next
    • Use the recommended amount of memory, if using a newer operating system, you will need more memory. So make sure your PC can handle it
    • Click Next
    • Create a Virtual Hard Disk Now
    • Click Create, and Click VDI
    • Click Next
    • Choose Dynamically Allocated, and select a size for a hard drive, about 20 gigs should be good for a modern system, but for anything older than xp, use 1 gigabyte
    • Click Create and Click Settings

We are going to want to change some options

    • Start off with going to system, and turn off floppy support for if not needed, to ensure no compatibility problems
    • Go to display, and if needed, give the OS more video memory

Remember you .ISO file that took forever to download, go ahead and click on the DVD icon,

  • Click on the drop down, and choose the file
  • Once all of that is done, boot it up and go through the OS installation

You finished the tutorial!

Now you know how to create virtual machines and how to run them properly.

Good Job!