
The MechaniFurs 

this project started in 2020 and was originaly meant to be a fun side project to introduce my own OCs, The MechaniFurs, to the internet. It quickly grew in ambition, and because a full-lenght series that plans to release its first season this year. 

This series follows the Viktor twins, Ellie and Phineas, two curious children being gifted a series of film reels from a well known circus in town, TechnoFur's. But as soon as they start viewing the reels, something dark and twisteds starts stalking them, slowly getting closer. From now on, it's a hurry to escape the creature's grasp, and find out what dark secret hides behind these reels. Script, story, characters by TechnoFur. Poster by Ariwix_ on instagram. :) 

animations & animatics 

ever wanted to see an accurate depiction of William Aton's demise in the springtrap costume? Well soon you'll be able to! I partnered up with an amazing artist, eldylanjojo, to create this amazing animatic! more to come soon enough! ;))) 


What if the Fazbear gang had existed since the 70's in our world? 

This is the question that FNAF:WHAT IF will tackle as a full blown docu mentary series! 

interview with TechnoFur! (IN FRENCH) 
