Neuro AI Lab
Dynamics and Learning in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
Research Interests
The brain, a complex and largely underexplored system, is the origin of our cognitive functions. Our comprehension of the neural mechanisms that drive these functions is incomplete. The field of artificial intelligence has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with machines and algorithms now capable of executing tasks once thought to be solely human endeavors. Despite this revolution, machines do not yet approach tasks in the same manner as humans or animals. Our research is dedicated to quantifying and bridging these differences by investigating the intersection of biological and artificial intelligence. We are focused on understanding neural dynamics, generating biologically plausible learning algorithms, and closing the loop between neural activity and behavior with Brain Computer Interface (BCI) in animals.
I'm an Assistant Professor at Technion. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow with Eric Shea-Brown at University of Washington and Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics in Seattle. I completed my PhD in Theoretical Neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute after completing my BSc and MA in Theoretical Physics at Scuola Normale Superiore in Italy.
Join Us
We are looking for highly motivated, talented and creative students and post-docs to join the team!
If interested, please send your CV, grade transcript and very brief interests description: