VII International Congress of Language, Linguistics and Technology

02 - 03 October, 2024 | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (hybrid congress)

Digitalizing the Humanity or Humanizing the Digital?

Welcome to techLING'24

TechLing is an international congress dedicated to exploring the emerging synergies between languages, linguistics, arts, data, and computational technologies within the innovative field of Digital Humanities. Since 2016, the event has brought together faculty members, researchers, postdoctoral fellows, doctoral candidates, language teachers, translators, interpreters, editors, subtitlers, terminologists, lexicographers, and entrepreneurs interested in linguistic issues, among others.

Originating at the University of Minho, the congress has since expanded to over 20 countries, connecting professionals and academics from all continents. It is a multidisciplinary event that encompasses various fields of knowledge, such as computer science, literature, linguistics, digital humanities, arts, education, and administration. Topics covered include the application of technology in the humanities, addressing the management of these applications, and the methodological and operational challenges of executing interdisciplinary research projects. There is a strong focus on the impacts of technological adoption, as well as the human limits and needs that influence the acceptance of new technologies.

This year, TechLing will be held in Brazil at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro from October 2 to 3, 2024. The congress aims to promote effective dialogue among representatives from various fields applying technology to languages.

The goal is to utilize technology to improve humanities and enhance accessibility of services provided to the population. This endeavor aims to improve specific literacy, augment the interconnectivity among language services, and present novel opportunities for human-computer interaction.

Read more: Call for Papers

A Congress designed to convene language and technology enthusiasts and scholars, providing a platform to explore and innovate.

 Keynote speakers


Teaching with Virtual and Augmented Reality

Ph.D. in the Systems and Computer Engineering Program - COPPE/UFRJ. She has experience in the field of Computer Science, with an emphasis on Software Engineering Education, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Currently, she is doing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Systems and Computer Engineering Program at COPPE/UFRJ, conducting research at the Lab3D - Virtual Reality Laboratory of COPPE/UFRJ. Her main research interest is Education in Virtual and Augmented Reality. 


(Letras/UFRJ - CNPq)

Eye-tracking in Language Education

PhD in Linguistics from the University of Southern California. Postdoctoral fellowship in Language Processing as a visiting researcher at the City University of New York. Full Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics and the Graduate Program in Linguistics at the College of Letters of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Linguistics. He holds a Research Productivity Scholarship and was a Scientist of Our State. He was a visiting professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and at the Language Acquisition Research Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He was a visiting researcher in the Department of Linguistics at Massey University, New Zealand, and in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto, Canada. He founded and coordinated the Experimental Psycholinguistics Laboratory (LAPEX), a research group at UFRJ, for 20 years. He coordinated the Psycholinguistics Working Group of ANPOLL. In partnership with professors from UMass, he organized the International Conference and the School of Advanced Studies Recursion in Brazilian Languages & Beyond at UFRJ, with support from CAPES, CNPq, and FAPERJ, resulting in the book Recursion Across Domains, published by Cambridge University Press. He organized the international event Viva Língua Viva. He is a founding member of the National Network of Science for Education (Rede CpE). He was president of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics - ISAPL. He was elected counselor of ABRALIN. He works in the areas of Psycholinguistics, Linguistic Theory and Analysis, and Brazilian Indigenous Languages, conducting research and supervising projects on syntactic and lexical processing, experimental syntax, grammar theory, psycholinguistics and education, and Brazilian indigenous languages.

Digital (Multi)Literacies and Critical Language Education

Rogério Tilio holds a PhD in Language Studies and has been working at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 2009. He is an Associate Professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics, and an academic coordinator of the undergraduate courses in Portuguese-English and Portuguese-German. He has acted in several government teacher education programs and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Applied Linguistics Association (ALAB). He is the author of textbooks for teaching English as a foreign language and his research interests include: analysis and development of teaching materials, (multi)literacies and critical literacy, critical language education, and teacher education.

A speech-to-text machine learning model

He holds a bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Rio de Janeiro State School of Technological Education (2013), a master's degree in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2017) and a PhD in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2022). He has participated in research projects at several relevant institutions, such as the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing and the National Observatory. He is currently a member of the Data Science Lab of the Computer Science Department at PUC-Rio. 


Challenges of humanizing technology 

The roundtable will explore essential aspects of integrating technology in linguistics and arts. It will examine how research can harness new technologies use, the challenges in digitilizing linguistic and artistic data, and the significance of human-centered technologies in maintaining a balance between automation and humanized development of tools. Ethical considerations regarding technology use will be addressed, alongside efforts to ensure digital literacy and accessibility across diverse contexts. The roundtable will highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between technologists, linguists, and artists, showcasing successful case studies and discussing future trends and innovations.

Technologies in Health

Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell has an extensive academic and professional background in nursing, holding master's and doctoral degrees from EEAN/UFRJ (Escola de Enfermagem Ana Neri). She is a specialist in Obstetric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Hospital Administration, and Health Educational Technology. She served as the director of EEAN, founded and was the first director of the UFRJ Campus Macaé, and holds prominent positions in various scientific journals and nursing associations. She has received six honorary doctorates and numerous national and international honors, including the "Medalha Tiradentes" award from ALERJ on April 26, 2014, and the title of Citizen of Rio de Janeiro from the city's Municipal Chamber. She has authored numerous publications and supervised over 50 dissertations and theses. She was president of ABENFO and ALADEFE, and currently participates in several committees and research projects, including a project by EACEA (Agencia Ejecutiva Europea en la Educación y Cultura) of the ERASMUS program. She is the founder and president of IMART (Instituto Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell).

Technologies in Art

Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso is a Brazilian artist, researcher, and professor. She graduated in Drawing from UnB (1984), obtained a Master’s in Printmaking from George Washington University, USA (1993), and a Ph.D. in Arts and Multimedia from the State University of Campinas, SP (2003), where she researched artistic experiments in telematics. She completed a Post-Doctorate in Visual Arts at the School of Arts and Communication, University of São Paulo (2014), and is currently a Post-Doctoral Artist Researcher at the École de Beaux-Arts de Nantes, France (2024). Fragoso has been teaching higher education since 1993 and is currently at the Department of Visual Communication Design at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She has been supervising theses since 2005 and has been coordinating the NANO Lab at EBA/UFRJ since 2010. Her research explores artistic practices that bridge traditional and scientific knowledge, focusing on experiences with rural workers and Brazilian indigenous cultures. Her work intersects art, science, technology, and nature, creating a hybrid zone between organic and artificial life. She co-authored the book and exhibition catalog ">= 4D. Arte Computacional no Brasil" (2005) with artists Tania Fraga and Wagner Barja. In 2014, she produced and organized the CAC.4 Computational Art Congress in Rio de Janeiro. Together with Guto Nóbrega at NANO Lab, she organized and published four books in the Hiperorgânicos series: "Ressonâncias. Arte, Hibridização e Biotelemática" (2015), "Reconexões Ancestrofuturistas" (2020), "Arte, Consciência e Natureza. Criar, Cultivar, Conectar" (2021), and "Cosmogonias e Arte Vegetal" (2024). She coordinated the internationalization project of PPGAV/UFRJ, awarded by the PrInt/CAPES/MEC between 2019-2023.

Literature and Digital Reading

Vinícius Carvalho Pereira holds a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Literary Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a Bachelor's and Teaching degree in Portuguese-English Letters from UFRJ. He is an Associate Professor II in the Department of Letters and the Graduate Program in Language Studies at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), where he currently serves as the Graduate Teaching Coordinator of the Graduate Teaching Pro-Rectory (PROPG). He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Nottingham, UK. He leads the SEMIC - Contemporary Semiotics research group and is a member of the DAVI - Data Beyond Life research group. He was the General Coordinator and Pedagogical Coordinator for English of the Languages without Borders Program (IsF/SESu-MEC) and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Language Studies (PPGEL) at UFMT. He is the Pedagogical Advisor for English in the Extension Program of the Institute of Languages (IL). A member of several electronic and digital literature organizations, his main research areas include Literature, Media and Technology; Electronic Literature; Digital Art; and Semiotics.


Technologies in Education

María del Pilar Anto Rubio is a Peruvian economist, researcher, and professor. She earned her degree in Economics from the Federico Villarreal National University in 1997. She holds a Master of Science in Production Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – COPPE (1999), and a Doctorate in Environment and Sustainable Development from the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University (2014). Currently, she is completing a postdoctorate in Computer Science at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2024). She is a professor at the Graduate School of the San Ignacio de Loyola University (USIL – EPG) and has been an undergraduate and postgraduate thesis advisor since 2012. Her research focuses on economics, political science, public administration, and environmental topics. She is the author of the books Economic Policy Challenges (2019) and International Economic Policy: Perspectives for Peru (2009), along with several research articles.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities

Here, participants will explore the growing impact of Artificial Intelligence on humanistic disciplines, highlighting both opportunities and challenges. Participants will discuss how artificial intelligence can facilitate the analysis of large volumes of data, enabling new forms of interpretation and research. At the same time, ethical issues and the need for technological development that respects and values cultural diversity will be addressed. The exchange of ideas will emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to fully harness the potential of Artificial Intelligence, promoting a critical and reflective approach to its applications in the humanities.


Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Imperial College London (2000). Her areas of interest include Optimization, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, and Distributed Computing, focusing on artificial neural networks, adiabatic quantum computing, logic programming, Prolog, distributed systems, and neuro-symbolic reasoning. She has been an adjunct professor at the Tércio Pacitti Institute of Applications and Computational Research at UFRJ since 2014 and a faculty member of the Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program (PESC) at COPPE-UFRJ since 2019. She coordinated the Graduate Program in Mathematical and Computational Modeling (PPGMMC) at UFRRJ (2012-2013) and the Graduate Program in Informatics (PPGI) at UFRJ (2015-2017). She holds the Artificial Intelligence Chair at the Brazilian College of High Studies (CBAE) at UFRJ.



Flavia Bernardini has been an associate professor at the Computing Institute of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) for over 15 years, with a degree from UNESP and a master's and doctorate in Computer Science from USP. She has held leadership positions at UFF, such as head of department, and acts as coordinator of the Digital Government Interest Group of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Her research focuses on Digital Government, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 and Education, with extensive experience in multidisciplinary projects using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Flavia also has a significant track record of publications and academic guidance, as well as coordinating major events such as CSBC 2022 and dg.o2024 (25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research), the world's leading digital government event. 



PhD in Information Science from the UFRJ/IBICT agreement (2015), with post-doctoral internships at University College London (2017) and King's College London (2018). He is an associate professor at UNIRIO, coordinator of LABOGAD and president of CRIAR and ABHD. His activities involve research, teaching and outreach in social archivology, digital collections, digital humanities and the creative economy, with a focus on Afro-Brazilian culture and the social memory of samba. She coordinates projects such as “Linked Open Archives”, “African Diaspora in Brazil”, and events such as the “National Samba Congress”.



Post-doctorate in the UK (The Open University), PhD and Master in Computer Science from UFPE, specializing in Information and Communication Technologies. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UFPE, he has PMI/ACP and Scrum Master certifications. With over 25 years' experience in Software Engineering, he has worked on topics such as Process Improvement, Agile Methodologies and Productivity. He spent 18 years at CESAR, where he was Executive Director of Education at CESAR School. He was also National Teaching Director at Ibmec and, since 2022, he has been a member of the Oi Futuro Institute's Strategic Committee, promoting innovation in culture and education.

We look forward to welcoming you all to an enriching congress with open discussions and important networking
to promote the humanities and computer science.

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