
Desmos Calculator Training

Video 1: Graphing Functions
Video 2: Sliders!
Video 3: Scatterplots!
Video 4: Polygons!

Algebra 1 Course  

Free versions of the Algebra 1 Course Guides are posted on the Algebra 1 page.  Full guides with copies of editable assessments, teacher slides with answer keys and worked examples are available in the Tech Know Math store


What do you remember about math at school? Did you whizz through the problems and enjoy getting the answers right? Or did you often feel lost and worried you weren't keeping up? Perhaps you felt math wasn't for you and you stopped doing it altogether.

Math can generate strong emotions in students. When these emotions are negative, it leads to poor mathematical well-being. This means students do not feel good when doing math and do not function well. They may experience feelings of hopelessness and despair, and view themselves as incapable of learning math.

Poor mathematical well-being, if not addressed, can develop into math anxiety. This can impact working memory (which we use for calculating and problem-solving) and produce physical symptoms such as increased heart and breathing rates. It can also lead to students avoiding math subjects, courses and careers.

Research shows students often start primary school enjoying and feeling optimistic about math. However, these emotions can decline rapidly as students progress through school and can continue into adulthood.

Our new, as-yet-unpublished, research shows how this can be an issue for those studying to become teachers.

Our research

We frequently see students enter our university courses lacking confidence in their math knowledge and ability to teach the subject. Some students describe it as "math trauma."

To better understand this issue, we surveyed 300 students who are studying to be primary teachers. All were enrolled in their first math education unit.

We asked them to recount a negative and positive experience with math at school. Many described feelings of shame and hopelessness. These feelings were often attributed to unsupportive teachers and teaching practices when learning math at school.

'I felt so much anxiety'

The responses describing unpleasant experiences were highly emotional. The most common emotion experienced was shame (35%), followed by anxiety (27%), anger (18%), hopelessness (12%) and boredom (8%). Students also described feeling stupid, afraid, left behind, panicked, rushed and unsupported.

Being put on the spot in front of their peers and being afraid of providing wrong answers was a significant cause of anxiety:

"The teacher had the whole class sitting in a circle and was asking students at random different times tables questions like 'what is 4 x 8?' I remember I felt so much anxiety sitting in that circle as I was not confident, especially with my six and eight times tables."

Students recalled how competition between students being publicly "right" or "wrong" featured in their math lessons. Another student recalled how their teacher held back the whole class until a classmate could perfectly recite a certain times table.

Students also told us about feeling left behind and not being able to catch up.

"In around Year 9, I remember doing algebra, and feeling like I didn't 'get' it. I remember the feeling of falling behind. Not nice! The feeling of gentle panic, like you're trying to hang on and the rope is pulled through your hands."

Students also described the stress of results being made public in front of their classmates. Another respondent told us how the teacher called out NAPLAN math results from lowest to highest in front of the whole class.

Read more ...

ilena Cuéllar has been a professor of mathematics, engineering and computer science at LaGuardia Community College, part of the City University of New York, since 2012, teaching college statistics and upper-level courses for over a decade. And in every class, there’s a student who hates math.  

“Across all my classes, from basic math to differential equations, I encounter students who experience stress and anxiety in the math classroom,” Cuéllar says.

In 2013, Cuéllar first started using Statway, created by Carnegie Math Pathways, which is an introductory college statistics course with development supports. Over the years, she has seen how the course’s guiding principles impacted student learning, her pedagogy and overall outcomes among participants, improving student success across the department.

“This approach to teaching has really pushed me to see and get to know the students in my classes,” Cuéllar says. “Because of this, it has made me far more intentional about creating a class experience that is welcoming, open and an effective learning space for everybody to succeed.”

How it works: The course uses a contextualized and relevant curriculum, which helps make math more inviting to students, as well as adds social emotional supports and collaborative learning for engagement. All Statway resources are available as OER materials as well.

One assignment asks students to propose a statistical study to a New York City official around an issue of importance to them and the city at large. Over the years, students have selected topics including childcare options for children with autism, understanding train delays and poor air quality.

“We are consistently blown away every time we read these essays, because the students bring in issues that they’re passionate about and they get really enthusiastic about the assignment.”

Through this curriculum, Cuéllar says she uses a more welcoming and open approach to teaching math, helping create a safe learning environment for students that supports them and reminds them that they’re capable of succeeding.

“This approach is especially valuable for our students at LaGuardia, who are living very challenging lives in New York City but at the same time bring with them a wealth of diverse experiences and perspectives shaped by their backgrounds and life in this city,” Cuéllar says.

Read More ...

Calculus can be a miserable slog for many high schoolers. It’s estimated that 20 percent of students (about 800,000 a year) take the subject, generally when they are seniors. I was surprised to learn that it’s not just students who despise the pressure to take calculus. Professors, math education experts and equity advocates also hate how the subject seems to have become obligatory for every college-bound student.

University professors in non-STEM fields think high school students would be better off learning more useful math, such as statistics, data analysis, accounting and spreadsheets. Math professors say that students are racing through the high school math curriculum too quickly and arriving at college with weak algebra skills. “Stop wasting time on calculus in high school! Concentrate instead on making sure your graduating students have a rock-solid foundation,” one math professor complained to researchers in a 2016 study. Most students who need calculus for their majors end up retaking the introductory course in college. 

Even more troubling is the fact that the calculus track often serves to separate rich and poor students, sorting middle schoolers between an accelerated path to calculus and a slower path that does not include calculus. An estimated 17 percent of U.S. high school students have no access to calculus at all, even online or through a community college.

So why do more than half of U.S. high schools offer calculus and why do so many students choose to take it? Many critics point their fingers at college admissions. A new survey of more than 130 college admissions officers, released Dec. 9, demonstrates how calculus has become a proxy for academic rigor. Even though 95 percent of the respondents agreed that calculus isn’t necessary for all students, 74 percent put the College Board’s Advanced Placement calculus course among the top four math courses that carry the most weight. Almost a third of respondents said calculus gives a student an edge in admissions. Eighty-nine percent believe high schoolers who take calculus are more likely to succeed in college. Meanwhile, newer math courses are not seen as rigorous; 62 percent of respondents say that calculus is more rigorous than courses such as data science and statistics.


Blog Post


It is Finished!

The Algebra 1 course is finally complete!  I will be spending the next few days going back through every lesson looking for things to tweak, but it is all cosmetic at this point.   I found so many amazing new resources to share with you (I am super jealous, because many of these have been developed recently, and I didn't get to use them with my own students!).   The FREE guides have been updated (improved) for clarity and layout, so check those out on the Algebra 1 page.  I have two left to clean up (those should be finalized tomorrow).

Here is what is included in the complete course:

I had a few misunderstandings about this course with some of my Twitter pals, so I just want to reiterate that every lesson is absolutely FREE to use.  There are free slides, links to several free activities for each lesson.  The only components that cost are the tests and the answer keys (teacher slides).  I wanted to make this course available as cheaply as possible, but we all know that free posted tests and answer keys will ruin these resources, so I have chosen to place all that behind a paywall.  

My next project is to create a Desmos calculator training series for those just getting started with the Desmos calculator, and I am also researching another possible state test prep series using the Desmos calculator (stay tuned for details).

If you have questions or suggestions, join in the conversation.

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Susan Carriker


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Susan Carriker

Retired Math Teacher, Math Teaching Specialist, Assessment Writer, and #EdTech Trainer.  


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Algebra 1 Course Update!

The Algebra 1 course is almost complete!  As of today, the first four terms are complete, and Term 5 is almost complete.  All but one of the topics that will appear on the benchmark exam have been explored.  So, I thought now would be a good time to give you the latest news and information about the Algebra 1 course and how the next few weeks will play out.

If you hadn't already noticed, this course is probably unlike any Algebra course you've ever seen.  I did take a great deal of inspiration from Carnegie Learning for the sequence of topics and the problem based approach for introducing concepts, but other than that, this is pretty much a one-of-a-kind course that is heavy on edtech, functions and applications and light on skill practice and formulaic approaches.  I know I have limited my potential audience by going down a road less traveled, but I am not so much about building an audience, ... but, more about transforming the types of learning experiences students are enduring in math classes.  This course will be a leap of faith for many, but I am a living testimony that it works (with all types of learners), so I hope that some of you who are sitting on the fence will jump in and see what is possible.

The last 4 lessons in Term 5 will be a mixed review of the topics of the course with an introduction to dimensional analysis (unit conversion using a problem based approach).  The Benchmark Exam will be given instead of a Term 5 exam, and will mirror a typical state-level Algebra 1 EOC exam.   The last term of the course will cover statistics, so, for some of you, you will be finished with the Algebra 1 course at the end of Term 5.  Term 6 will be shorter (only 7 lessons and only 1 regular assessment), and the exam at the end of term 6 will be a cumulative Final Exam exam for the course.  The final exam will have lower DOK items, and will be 100% automatic scoring (if you choose to use Pear Assessments  or another type of digital answer doc), because the end of the school year can be hectic, so I like to end with a simple assessment for both teachers and students.

If you want to modify the exams or tests to suit your own needs, remember, all assessments will be available in editable form in a big bundle in the Tech Know Math store when the course is complete. All teacher slides and answer keys will also be included in the big bundle. The student slides for every assignment, and all the digital activities are, and will continue to be, free and accessible in the posted versions of the Algebra 1 course guides on the Algebra 1 pageEach video that accompanies each lesson is a 'talk through' for the teacher of the course.  

Also, I have been doing this solo; so, of course, there are bound to be errors and omissions!  If you happen to run across a mistake, please let me know.  As a token of my appreciation, I will give you a free copy of a single resource from my store.  I have worked with teams of editors in the past on assessment writing, so, as careful as I try to be, there is no such thing as a perfect curriculum, so your input will be greatly appreciated!  Check my contact page if you need to reach me.

I would like to create a Geometry course next, but plan to take a long break before getting started.  I will be going a completely different direction with Geometry (using standards other than CCSS), so it may not line up well with a traditional Geometry course, nor will it be aligned with typical state EOC tests, but this curriculum will provide unique resources that should be useful in any advanced geometry or pre-calculus class.  If you have liberty to teach your Geometry course in a non-traditional manner, then this course could also work for that.

As always, if you have questions or suggestions for the Algebra 1 or Geometry course, join in the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



SChool Math is Obsolete

At some point, school needs to deal with the world where our kids live. My rocket scientist uncle constantly referred to computers & spreadsheets in our conversations about mathematics, and that is when I realized: we don't give kids access to mathematics applications in a way that is similar to how math is handled in any real life setting that is outside of a classroom. (Uncle David worked for the Army, Boeing, Nasa, etc... in the '60s & '70s!).  

Some teachers still restrict access to calculators and the internet (I am tutoring a girl in Pre-Calculus that had never seen or used a graphing calculator before!! ).  Of course, many teachers reject a.i. (and most online platforms)  ... some haven't even graduated to using the most basic of tech tools!  This is ridiculous and sad and our kids are paying the price.

School math is obsolete.  There are a handful of teacher/professors out there that inspire curiosity and delve into the historical and purest forms of math (which is a noble enterprise).  Some teachers have found a way to take the standards we are given  (which are garbage, in many cases) and turn them into opportunities for collaboration, discourse, debate, and inquiry, which makes math class more interesting and purposeful, but many instructors are still peddling a false narrative that 'you will need this in your job' ... which is a total lie.

I am not sure I'd advise anyone today to sit through traditional schooling in math if they really care to learn it deeply, to be inspired by its beauty, or to apply it in any real context. Most engineer's teach themselves the math they actually need to know for their jobs, or they learn it from each other and occasionally figure it out from their physics professors (I watched that up close at Mississippi State .. and, that was way back in the '80s!).

People who love math, play with math, read about math, play with tech tools (yes, with a.i., calculators, and many other technologies), they write about math, talk about math... but, they are not able to do those things in most school settings.  Those behaviors are considered 'off task' in too many classrooms.

The lecture model (in college) is a terrible waste of money for the average student with the resources we now have that are free (or very cheap).  

I anger a lot of math teachers, I get it; but, we need to keep sounding this alarm until enough people hear it to make some major changes ... or, schools are going to keep losing kids and teachers.  I want better for our teachers, kids and our society.  We don't have to keep perpetuating this crappy version of school. 

If you have comments or suggestions for improving mathematics education, then join the conversation...

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Susan Carriker



Creating a course?

It may seem rather odd for a retiree, but yes, I am creating a complete Algebra 1 course.  I want to document some of what has been going on, what is being planned and, for those who may be interested enough to actually teach this course, what will be included. The image below this blog post shows what is included in the first 6 lessons to give you an idea. 

First of all, most of the resources in this course will be curated from others and all of the curated resources will be free.  I have created some new digital content and I tweak most of the activities I choose, but my goal is to gather up the best of the inquiry activities and rich tasks to add to tasks of my own and then to put them all together in a sequence that will allow students to use technology for support as they build a deep understanding of the concepts of the course.  After those foundations are firm, the tasks will gradually grow in depth and complexity.

One of the reasons I wanted to build this course was because of my unconventional approach to secondary mathematics.  Big problems coupled with technology allow kids to engage with very complex ideas before they become fluent with the underlying skills or processes.  Having the roadmap already in front of them, I will then build in the smaller pieces that help to tie everything together.  Each exposure to a concept is coupled with something familiar, something new, and something detailed and specific so that the web of understanding grows bigger and stronger.  The content is spiraled, along with the assessments, so students will have multiple opportunities to encounter every concept in the course.

I am in the middle of working on Term 1 which will be a standard 6 week grading period.  Each lesson contains at least 3 different activities and some take more than 1 day of instruction.  Each lesson will include a 'how to' video for the teachers about things I have tried, things to avoid and options to consider.  I walk you through most of the tech tasks in those videos and include additional demos videos (You-Tube shorts) for a little extra edtech support. It is hard to pace this course because of all the variations in schedules, but I am including a suggested duration for each lesson (1 day is approximately 60 minutes). 

I completed the first assessment today and put it into a Google Doc.  I did consider creating an Edulastic test (now with Pear Assessments), but the limitations on access made me reconsider.  The first test is interactive (it has an animated GIF that students will use to create a function and answer some questions), so it really must be in digital form, but I may create something that is more standard for the next round.  I did post the first assessment in my store, but if you are considering getting this course, I would wait because that will be included.  

I am still working out how I will get everyone access to the free student slides, how-to videos, you-tube shorts demos, free curated resources, but for now the only paid items will be the full course guide (with links to everything), assessments and teacher materials that have answer keys.  

If you have questions or suggestions for the Algebra 1 course, join in the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



Foundations of Math EdUCATION

I have spent the morning reading and posting on various platforms about the state of mathematics education in America.  Amidst the ongoing debate concerning the influence of #AI and its potential impact on math instruction, I find that many arguments tend to overlook the most critical issue at hand: the pervasive lack of deep understanding that continues to hinder both students and some educators in our mathematical culture.

Our educational groundwork seems precarious, akin to a structure built on shifting sands. While newer instructional technology offers an opportunity for fostering profound engagement with mathematical concepts, for now, it often falls short, reduced to mere tools for rote practice and mundane tasks in many mathematics classes. This approach neglects the rich problem-solving experiences essential for our students' mastery of mathematics. Consequently, math classes become not only tedious for many students but also seemingly detached from the broader context of life, academic pursuits, and genuine education.

To address the shortcomings in mathematics education, we must first reinforce our foundational philosophy, emphasizing the importance of quality teaching and purposeful learning. The ongoing debate between direct instruction and inquiry-based methods merely hints at the cracks in our educational foundation.

It is disheartening to observe the lack of genuine efforts within higher education and institutional settings to fortify this foundation. Instead, we find ourselves entangled in a transactional system, where schools seek solutions, often through financial means, only to be served with temporary 'fixes' that offer no substantial improvement over previous iterations.

True progress in mathematics education necessitates a concerted effort toward building stronger foundations. There's no shortcut or quick fix to achieving this goal. It demands a collective commitment to fostering meaningful learning experiences and empowering both educators and learners to engage deeply with math concepts, ultimately paving the way for a quality mathematics education for many more students.

What are your thoughts about the use of AI for math education?  

Join the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



NoT Your Typical Math Teacher

I am not your typical math teacher. My journey to becoming a teacher took a few detours and nearly ran off the rails before it got started.  When I reveal that I started out with a D in 6th grade math, flunked out of my first calculus course and earned my first college degree with less than a 3.0, I start to notice that awkward silence, perhaps it is pity, but what these experiences have shown me, is that I survived a system that was actually trying to keep me out.  In spite of every hurdle in front of me, I just kept going.  I even wormed my way in where I was not invited (more than a few times) and revolutionized a few systems along the way, but I have never forgotten how easy it would have been to just walk away.

If you haven't already read my story (I have a free e-book posted on the Training Center page), you may want to know more about how I got here, but for now, I just want to encourage you to reject the naysayers and just keep going.  Maybe you are coming through a teacher prep program, or maybe you are already in the classroom, but you just feel like maybe you don't measure up.  Those lies are told every day.  Sometimes we tell them to ourselves, but more often, we 'hear' those lies through the condescending tone from other educators.  Maybe a professor made you feel 'less than.'  Maybe you didn't come from a family of influence or wealth.  Whatever may have gotten in your head about your worth, I can assure you that none of those things determine your worth.  What they don't want you to know is mathematics classes are full of kids and adults that have these feelings.  Perhaps it is the reason so many kids and adults have negative ideas about mathematics. 

No matter how accomplished I may have become over the years, I will never fit the mold of a typical math teacher.  I will never 'fit in,' but that is actually a blessing.  My pioneering spirit has enabled me to go to more places, accomplish more and actually rescue quite a few kids along the way who were languishing in a rigid system that often fails to acknowledge or appreciate their brilliance.   

Let your differences be your greatest testimony.  Kids and adults need to hear that you have struggled, that you have learned and that you have evolved over the years.  As much as we like to appear picture perfect, no one is. I encourage you to share your story with your students and other educators.  We are all in this together.  

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Susan Carriker



It is time to ask the experts

The education sector is currently witnessing a fervent embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with tech companies racing to develop innovative solutions for teaching and learning. Understandably, this AI craze has led to a flurry of activity, as every major educational company seeks to integrate AI applications into its business model. However, amidst the excitement and hype, it's essential to pause and consider whether these advancements truly meet the needs of those directly impacted: teachers and students.

Despite the proliferation of AI-driven gadgets, chatbots, and applications touted as educational game-changers, conversations with educators reveal a stark reality: little has fundamentally changed in the classroom. This disconnect is not new; it echoes previous cycles of EdTech booms, where the voices of teachers and students were often sidelined in favor of technological innovation. The common thread running through these cycles is clear: meaningful progress in education cannot occur without the active involvement of those who ultimately implement and utilize these tools.

Teachers are the frontline implementers of educational technology, while students are its primary users. Yet, all too often, their perspectives are overlooked in the rush to innovate. Without meaningful dialogue with educators about what works and what doesn't in the classroom, the promise of revolutionary change remains unfulfilled. Similarly, failing to engage with students risks deploying technology that hinders rather than enhances learning outcomes.

Reflecting on past attempts to revolutionize education, like video lectures, can offer valuable insight. The initial excitement surrounding video lectures (back in the 70s and 80s) as an educational panacea quickly waned when teachers observed students disengaging and even falling asleep during passive viewing. While platforms like Khan Academy have evolved to incorporate interactive elements, the lesson remains clear: technology alone cannot drive meaningful change in education. Instead, it's the thoughtful integration of technology with pedagogical best practices (and student engagement) that yields positive outcomes.

To truly revolutionize education, whether through AI or any other emerging trend, it's time to prioritize the voices of teachers and students. Billions of dollars are invested annually in educational research and technology, yet many initiatives falter due to a lack of genuine stakeholder involvement. By giving teachers and students not just a voice but a choice in the adoption of new systems, we can avoid costly missteps and ensure that innovation aligns with real-world needs.

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges in education, it's imperative that we turn to the true experts: teachers and students. By fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, we can harness the transformative potential of technology to create authentic learning experiences.

What are your thoughts about this latest AI craze?  Join the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



DO Reformers Always Fail?

Recent debates over reform in math education (as espoused by Jo Boaler, Peter Liljedahl, Conrad Wolfram, and many others) reveals a commonality with reformers vs. the status quo throughout history.  Reformers always lose initially.  

When battling generations (even centuries) of norms, there will always be backlash from some in society, and the loudest critics will usually hail from the majority class who have historically benefitted from the status quo.  Inevitably, reforms are tabled (or dismantled) as public outcry intensifies.  It is exceedingly rare for reform (of any kind) to be enacted quickly or to last (at least initially) in the face of such intense opposition.  In fact, most reformers do not live to see many of the reforms they have inspired.  Let's take a quick look at some of the reformers in history that set the wheels in motion, but did not live to realize the fruits of their labor.  

Nicolaus Copernicus  (1473–1543) 

Copernicus (Polish astronomer)  suggested that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. This (heliocentric) model challenged the prevailing geocentric model, which placed the Earth at the center of the universe.  His ideas faced significant resistance and ridicule from both the religious establishment and the scientific community of his time. It wasn't until the late 17th century and early 18th century that the heliocentric model began to be widely accepted within the scientific community. 

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968) 

The iconic civil rights leader played a pivotal role in the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. His efforts led to significant advancements in racial equality, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. However, King was assassinated in 1968, just as the movement was gaining momentum and some of his dreams were starting to be realized.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) 

Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule, advocated for nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience as means to achieve social and political change. His efforts eventually led to India's independence in 1947, but he was assassinated in 1948, just months after achieving this milestone.

Suffragettes (1848–1920) 

Countless women fought for "the right to vote" around the world, including figures like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Emmeline Pankhurst, and Alice Paul. While many of them saw progress toward women's suffrage during their lifetimes, some did not live to see the full realization of their goal in their respective countries.

Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) 

Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which declared that all enslaved people in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. However, he was assassinated in 1865, just as the Civil War was coming to an end and before the passage of the 13th Amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Advocating for reform in mathematics education and challenging the status quo will be met with resistance, especially from established institutions and entrenched traditionalists. It's crucial to recognize that mathematics, like any field, must evolve over time.  Those who were once excluded must now be invited to participate. 

Supporting reform efforts aimed at making mathematics education more accessible, inclusive, and relevant to diverse learners is vital for building a society where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy mathematics and contribute to its advancement. It requires courage, perseverance, and collaboration to challenge existing norms and advocate for change, but the benefits of a more equitable and inclusive mathematical community are worth the effort.

I encourage you to join the fight.

Who else should be added to the list above?  Join the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



Test Prep Reflections

Over the past couple of months, I've been diligently producing materials and videos, driven by the ongoing test prep season, which is now in full swing across most states. I've discussed my reasons for engaging in test prep in my last blog post, so I won't rehash that here. However, I've gained some insights into the differences between state assessments, particularly in Algebra 1 EOC assessments, which I'd like to document here for those interested in knowing more about these tests.

Mississippi (MAAP)

Completing the #MAAP series was the easiest because I was already familiar with the test (I have worked as a writer and reviewer for Questar/MDE for several years). Even though I had a large collection of test prep materials created for MAAP, I still needed something new to align with the updated blueprint, so I created teacher training videos and extra practice sets to update my collection. Navigating the Mississippi test system (now a part of NWEA) was remarkably straightforward. While the navigation bar being at the bottom was a minor inconvenience, the overall interface was very user-friendly. The Desmos calculator, with its flexibility and full functionality, was a standout feature. This was not an adaptive test, which made navigating to particular questions easy. This was my favorite test to prep.

Texas (STAAR)

Despite Texas being home to tech giants, the #STAAR test proved challenging to navigate. The interface was subpar, and the calculator functionality was the most limited (sliders, inequalities, implicit equations and more are disabled).  The calculator was also very challenging to resize or move. Additionally, because it was an adaptive test, it restricted skipping ahead, and the level of tedious manipulation required for many problems was excessive, potentially detracting from students' comprehension.  This was my least favorite test to prep.

Louisiana (LEAP)

Prepping for #LEAP was a generally a positive experience. The test's simplicity and intuitive navigation were commendable, although the inability to resize the calculator posed occasional challenges. The quality of test items, particularly in assessing conceptual understanding, was noteworthy. The calculator had nearly 100% functionality. This was not an adaptive test, so moving around the test was easy. Despite these merits, accessing LEAP materials on their resources page proved to be a nightmare.  The practice test and other test materials (blueprints, item specifications, etc...) were very hard to locate.   

Georgia (GMAS)

The #GMAS assessment was decent, with an interface that is almost identical to Louisiana's LEAP. However, the excessive volume of text and verbosity in questions may disadvantage students, particularly those with language difficulties. While the calculator functionality was reasonable, not all features were enabled. This was not an adaptive test, so advancing through the test was simple. The difficulty of the items (DOK) seemed a bit lower, although reasonably aligned to the Georgia standards.

Arkansas  (ATLAS)

My experience with #ATLAS was limited, but my initial impressions were mixed. The test interface mirrored Texas', which posed usability challenges (the calculator had the same issues as Texas). Additionally, the test's rigor, particularly in its open-ended questions, seemed excessive for 8th or 9th grade students. Despite some redeeming qualities, such as a few well-crafted, interesting questions, the limited calculator functionality (implicit equations were turned off) and the number of steps needed to complete certain tasks, detracted from its overall effectiveness.  This was a fully adaptive test (no skipping questions).  In general, this was the most challenging test to prep.

In an ideal scenario, these tests wouldn't exist, but until then, my aim is to equip students and teachers with the necessary tools to navigate them as seamlessly as possible. Recent news suggests Mississippi may eliminate the Algebra 1 MAAP assessment, potentially influencing other Southern states. Only time will tell.

If you have questions or would like to share your thoughts on these assessments, feel free to connect with me on Twitter and join the conversation.

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Susan Carriker



Why do I do Test Prep?

If you follow my Twitter stream you will find test prep resources right alongside articles and tweets deriding the evils of testing and other barriers to education.   It may seem contradictory to engage myself with activities that seemingly support the use of standardized testing and multiple choice exams in school, but there really is a simple explanation for why I choose to prepare kids and teachers for state and national standardized tests.  Kids and teachers are stuck in a system that punishes those without access.  These tests currently are used to measure kids and teachers and often block access to those who perform poorly.  I don't like these tests, but I do like teachers and kids.  I choose to help both as best as I can.

If you are poor or a minority student in America, the probability of you having a math teacher that uses instructional technology to its fullest potential is quite low.  If you are a teacher working in a school district that is located in an area of the country that is poor or underprivileged, you may find it difficult to know how to begin acquiring and learning about the newer instructional technology if you don't already have a strong support system (#PLN) or knowledgeable colleagues to guide you in the right direction.  

There is free training on just about every imaginable #edtech platform available online at low or no cost, so I am not saying that Tech Know Math is alone in this universe of math #edtech training, but I do have a unique perspective in many ways because my aim is to equip those who may not otherwise be equipped.  I want to engage with learners who are turned off by traditional classroom practices.  I want to inspire math educators who are frustrated with their jobs and ready to try something new.

The videos I have created for kids are designed as tools to help them get over the barrier of testing by knowing and using the tools in the Desmos Calculator.  Kids who have no money for tutors and expensive calculators can now learn (for free)  in my student facing videos about the strategies that can make very challenging math concepts seem simple!  The free videos and paid materials I produce for teachers give them access to better quality resources at a tiny fraction of the cost charged by some of my former colleagues.  I once worked for a company that charged $750 for a 4-day training (and that didn't include travel, lodging or food).  The cost to attend many educational conferences can top $1000 when you factor in travel and other expenses.   

Living on retirement income is no cakewalk in this economy, so that is another reason I do what I do.  I try to give away something every week in my store to those who can not afford to purchase curriculum materials, but I do charge for nearly all new major assessments that I create.  The reason?  It is my only supplemental income now, and it also helps keep the tests I have created from being downloaded and copied by too many.  Assessments behind a paywall are protected from excessive exposure which helps keep them more reliable.

Ironically, some of the same people who hop on planes to go to educational conferences to dole out thousands of dollars to receive and deliver training sometimes find fault with my methods, but, the ones who will never be able to afford those conferences deserve access to #edtech skills and quality resources, too.

Hopefully, I can continue to provide training and quality resources for a long time to open up the doors of access for those who  have been shut out in our current system.

I welcome your input and suggestions.

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Susan Carriker


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