科技運用與AI 融入教學教師社群

Teacher Community of Technology Application and AI Integration in Teaching 


2024 March to May Events 

如何製作一個線上電子書App-part 1 

 How to Create Your Own Online Book APP- Part 1 

時間 (Time): 3月7日 下午12點到2點 (March 7th, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM)

地點 (Location): (TBA)

題目 (Topic): 如何製作一個線上電子書App-part 1 (How to Create Simple Teaching and Classroom Interactive Apps - Part 1)

*這個工作坊是兩個系列的第一部分,因為製作應用程式需要時間思考和操作軟件。也請踴躍參加3月14日中午12點到2點的第二部分。This workshop is part 1 of two series because creating an app needs time to process information and operate the software. Please ensure participate the part 2 on March 14th from 12 pm to 2 pm. 

內容 (Content): 

   * 老師們歡迎帶自己想要的教材實際操作 (Teachers are welcome to bring their own desired teaching materials for hands-on practice.)

   * 介紹實際建立建立電子書的App軟體 (Introduction to the practical use of the Online Book App Generator Software.)

   * 透過淺顯易懂的軟體開發工具操作這些軟體和課堂實作 (Operate these software tools and implement them in the classroom through user-friendly development tools).

   * 課堂作業演練,老師實際輸入自我教材 (Classroom assignment practice: Teachers will input their own teaching materials as a part of homework.)

講者 (Speaker): 張惟 Bug Zhang (哈囉! 程語創辦人/Certiport 考試中心監評) - Founder of Hello! Programming Education Center/Certiport Exam Center Proctor

在涉足程式教育之前,張先生曾在台灣最大的連鎖飯店之一擔任電腦軟體工程師。旗下的哈囉!程語是以成人和大學生為主 (高中生其次),在過去的八到十年中,他監督並教導了贏得First Tech Challenge機器人大賽以及獲得國際和台灣電腦程式認證(如APCSA、APCS、Certiport ITS)的國內和國際學生。

Before dabbling into programming education, Mr. Zhang worked as a computer software engineer for one of the largest Taiwanese hotel chains. Through his many experiences, he also founded Hello! Programming Education Center for university students and adults ( sometimes for advanced higher schoolers). For the past eight to ten years, he has supervised and taught domestic and international students who won the Robotics First Tech Challenge and received international and domestic coding certifications, such as APCSA, APCS, and Certiport ITS.

如何製作一個線上電子書App-part 2 

 How to Create Your Own Online Book APP- Part 2 

時間 (Time): 3月14日 下午12點到2點 (March 7th, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM)

地點 (Location): (TBA)

題目 (Topic): 如何製作簡易教學和課堂互動APP part 2 (How to Create Simple Teaching and Classroom Interactive Apps - Part 2)

*這個工作坊是兩個系列的第二部分,因為製作應用程式需要時間思考和操作軟件。This workshop is part 2 of two series because creating an app needs time to process information and operate the software. 

內容 (Content): 

     * 延續第一堂課的實際操作的功課 (Continuation of the hands-on assignment from the first class.)

   * 老師們歡迎帶自己想要的教材實際操作 (Teachers are welcome to bring their own desired teaching materials for hands-on practice.)

   * 如何上架自己的APP (How to publish your own app.)

   * 實際操作與建立APP (Hands-on practice and app creation.)

講者 (Speaker): 張惟淙 Bug Zhang (哈囉! 程語創辦人/Certiport 考試中心監評) - Founder of Hello! Programming Education Center/Certiport Exam Center Proctor

在涉足程式教育之前,張先生曾在台灣最大的連鎖飯店之一擔任電腦軟體工程師。旗下的哈囉!程語是以成人和大學生為主 (高中生其次),在過去的八到十年中,他監督並教導了贏得First Tech Challenge機器人大賽以及獲得國際和台灣電腦程式認證(如APCSA、APCS、Certiport ITS)的國內和國際學生。

Before dabbling into programming education, Mr. Zhang worked as a computer software engineer for one of the largest Taiwanese hotel chains. Through his many experiences, he also founded Hello! Programming Education Center for university students and adults ( sometimes for advanced higher schoolers). For the past eight to ten years, he has supervised and taught domestic and international students who won the Robotics First Tech Challenge and received international and domestic coding certifications, such as APCSA, APCS, and Certiport ITS.

人工智慧在音樂上的應用 -

 The application of Artificial Intelligence in music

時間 (Time): 4月9日 下午3點到5點 (April 9th, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM)

地點 (Location): (TBA)

題目 (Topic):  人工智慧在音樂上的應用 (The application of Artificial Intelligence in music.)

講者 (Speaker): 林怡君 Sophia Lin (清華AI樂團總監 /  財團法人富瑜文教基金會AI展演總監) - Director of the Tsing-hua AI Orchestra / Director of the Fu Yu Culture and Education Foundation AI Exhibition

自小學習長笛的林怡君,她在2019年試著將發展中的「AI人工智慧」與音樂演奏結合,落實到清華大學大一不分系的音樂組新鮮人身上。林怡君認為作曲家未必要使用人工智慧產出的旋律,但絕對能從該樂音中衍生靈感,與原始的想法融合產出原創的作品,這也是科技最有價值的地方。林怡君總監會把她在衛武營的AI音樂與世代的演講與大家分享,現場也會有小操作。 (以上資料截取和參考衛武營網址)

Sophia Lin, who has been learning the flute since elementary school, attempted to integrate the emerging field of "AI Artificial Intelligence" with musical performance in 2019. She applied this integration to the freshmen in the music group at National Tsing-hua University's first-year interdisciplinary program. Lin believes that composers do not necessarily have to use melodies generated by artificial intelligence (AI), but they can certainly derive inspiration from these musical tones. By blending these ideas with their original thoughts, they can create original works, showcasing the most valuable aspects of technology. Lin, as the director, will share her experience in AI music at the Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, and there will also be hands-on activities at the event. (The source is from Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts)

*此社群活動開放給學生和老師們一起參與 (This workshop welcomes both teachers and students to join.) 

林怡君 – 清華AI樂團總監 /  財團法人富瑜文教基金會AI展演總監

Sophia Lin - Director of the Tsing-hua AI Orchestra / Director of the Fu Yu Culture and Education Foundation AI Exhibition


Currently serving as the Director of the National Tsing-hua University AI Orchestra and the Fu Yu Culture and Education Foundation AI Exhibition. Also, teaching courses at Tsinghua University's School of Arts and Sciences and General Education Center. In 2023, appointed as a science advisor by the National Science and Technology Council. In 2024, interviewed by PAR Performing Arts Magazine, recognized as an expert in curating projects involving the collaborative performance of traditional musical instruments and AI in Taiwan.

體感科技作為空間與地方的一種再現  -

Crafting Immersive Spatial and Placial Experiences with Somatosensory Technology

時間 (Time): 5月16日 下午12點到2點 (May 16th, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM)

地點 (Location): (TBA)

題目 (Topic): 體感科技作為空間與地方的一種再現 (Crafting Immersive Spatial and Placial Experiences with Somatosensory Technology)

講者 (Speaker): 周宸甫 Johnny Chou高雄市港都社區大學主任前高雄市電影館統籌專員)- the Director of Kaohsiung Takao Community University/Former Lead Project Coordinator for Kaohsiung Film Archive 

內容 (Content): 

體感科技自2016年於國際上造成話題,以往虛擬實境技術存在於遊戲體驗,而今已普遍應用於醫療、民生、科技開發,甚或於電影藝術領域。近年來已普遍透過影像技術重現大型古蹟與場景,如義大利「Invisible Italy 360° VR再現義大利遺址」計畫,透過3D點雲掃描技術,重現那不勒斯、佛羅倫斯等古城、加拿大「The Unknown photographer」計畫則將戰場舊照片結合雲端技術,體驗立體空間感。

Since 2016, somatosensory technology has been making waves internationally. What used to be confined to gaming experiences in virtual reality has now become widespread in fields such as healthcare, daily life, technology development, and even in the realm of cinematic arts. In recent years, there has been a common trend of using imaging technology to recreate large historical sites and scenes. Projects like "Invisible Italy 360° VR: Reviving Italian Ruins" in Italy use 3D point cloud scanning technology to recreate ancient cities like Naples and Florence. Similarly, the Canadian project "The Unknown Photographer" combines old battlefield photos with cloud technology, providing a three-dimensional spatial experience.

個人的「體驗式遊程」是新型態的認識在地方式,高雄市電影館在2019年以清代鳳山縣舊城和日治哈瑪星地區為主軸,找出12個具代表性的現地遺跡,透過AR科技的定位與360° 全景呈現,並增加生動的歷史情結,讓大型古蹟、建物重現眼前。 

The concept of a personal "experiential tour" is a new way of understanding local culture. In 2019, the Kaohsiung Film Archive centered its exploration on the old city of Fengshan in the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese colonial-era Hamasen area. Identifying 12 representative local relics, the Archive utilized AR technology for positioning and 360° panoramic presentation. This immersive approach, coupled with vivid historical context, brings large historical sites and buildings back to life.

周宸甫 Johnny Chou高雄市港都社區大學主任前高雄市電影館統籌專員)- the Director of Kaohsiung Takao Community University/Former Lead Project Coordinator for Kaohsiung Film Archive 


Born and raised in Zouying (the third generation of a military dependents' village), Chou graduated from the Graduate Institute of Radio, Television, and Film at Shih Hsin University. He worked as an art director, scriptwriter, and high school teacher for film and television productions, with a primary focus on documentary films. Since 2017, he has been the project coordinator at the Kaohsiung Film Archive, demonstrating substantial experience in planning, conceptualization, and resource development. He holds the National Cultural Memory Seed Lecturer certification from the Ministry of Culture. He currently serves as the director of Kaohsiung Takao Community University and the creative director of Odyssey Creative Art  Studio.