Curtis Hickman Overview

About Curtis Hickman


Curtis Hickman has dedicated his life to making the impossible possible. Having started out as a magician, he now works with fully immersive, location-based, hyper-reality experiences that merge virtual and physical environments. The result is a powerful experience where audiences have to remind themselves of what’s real and what isn’t. As put it, “these guys basically created a holodeck.”

Hickman has worked for a number of studios and production groups as Head of Motion Graphics and Visual Effects, including Kaleidoscope Studios, where he created and directed commercials for Franklin Covey in addition to leading VFX work on music videos for such artists as BB King and Five for Fighting. With more than 10 years of experience producing award-winning visual effects and motion graphics for film and television, combined with an obsession with the art of illusion, Hickman's background in digital and practical illusion design has led to the development of the fundamental technologies behind The VOID.

At The VOID, Hickman and the rest of the team layer virtual worlds over physical spaces to create immersive entertainment experiences that engage the senses, bringing consumers closer to stories, characters, and places than ever before.

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