We cannot relax our security due to the nature of our client base and we are wasting vast amounts of time typing the 32 character windows login's every time we need admin access. Not to mention the frustration caused by Typos.

Agreed having to type out secure passwords to log into multiple clients gets old quickly. With this being on ignored by teamviewer for years it might be time to find a platform that cares about security.

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When using teamviewer to remotely view other computer equipment (a WorkStation) I can not visualize the 3D screens (which have movement and allow you to model and visualize some data in 3D), this did not happen previously, but since I upgraded to the latest version it is not possible for me Visualize these data in 3d dimensions. Has something similar happened to you? How can I configure Teamviewer so that I can visualize those windows as I could before? Thanks in advance.

For me, I get black windows! I am remoting into a laptop media server, which used to work fine. However, as of a couple of days ago, I am starting to see black windows for VLC (I hear audio but see no video), Next PVR, and even Firefox and Edge browsers. It's the same whether I use TeamViewer or Chrome Remote Desktop. However, following the comments above, I have just realized that if I open the laptop lid, all the windows display correctly. If I close it again, they go black. So, yes, it's definitely a rendering issue. I wonder if there was something contained in a recent Microsoft update that caused this behavior?

I have searched and cannot find any useful information. I am trying to get my teamviewer connections to open up in the same window as another tab. I have this ability already on one computer but the other does not do it. I cannot find the setting to change this, and I am not sure how it ever got turned on, but I like it.

I've created an Azure VM with Windows server 2016, and I have teamviewer installed. I want to be able to access the VM via Teamviewer, however, if I am not connected to the VM by Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), then my teamviewer listing for the Azure VM shows as offline. If I connect to the VM via RDP, it comes online.

 Welcome to the Teamviewer forums, a group of Teamviewer users here to help each other.  

 We hope that you can contribute and help support this great tool ! 

Start with a post in our forums and ask or answer a question. 


 Issues registering? Contact us: teamviewerforum(at)(g)mail(dot)com(NO technical support questions) 

I can attest that you can use vnc in windows 7 to connect to an ubuntu host just fine. I use the regular old VNC viewer. There really isn't a feature difference that I can see between doing this and using remote desktop.

The Windows 7 remote desktop viewer that comes installed with the os will only connect to windows machines using the rdp protocol. I agree with most of the others that it would probably be best to install a VNC viewer on the Windows computer and use the vnc sharing built in to Ubuntu 12.04. Also this will allow you to connect to your remote Ubuntu machine from anywhere if you configure port forwarding on the router. For a quick guide with screenshots on how to set up vnc sharing on Ubuntu 12.04 follow this link: UbuntuLinuxGuide

This is a very old post, nevertheless still of interest. So I am wondering why nobody mentioned nomachine and the xnserver/xnclient. At work I used this for years to work remotely from a windows machine on a linux server. ...and I have the (important) impression, that it is free (not open source, though).

TV recommendations - Whitelist FQDN *.teamviewer.com

Since Sophos isolation it's not possible to use FQDN, you can only use IPv4, IPv6 or CIDR in the remote address section.

Link to subdomains search report *.router.teamviewer.com - This is a way to add it.


I'm looking for a way to share displays across multible platforms. problem is i only used team-viewer before and i can't get teamviewer to work on arch. I've installed it from aur / git but so far only old versions of teamviewer (v12) work which as it turns out isn't enough to connect to my partners newer version (v15). 

So the question is there an alternative program which is cross platform and easy to install (for windows users). if not maybe i should use VM or Wine?

thanks for attention, Indian tech support (:

seth knows what he's doing much better than I do, but if you continue to have problems after you've done what he says, you should take a look at the pinned comment by seyn6gk on the teamviewer AUR page, it talks about the newer versions of TV not working properly without a DE. It doesn't work with startx at the moment.

but as it turns out this isn't enough and installing DM quickly fixed that and teamviewer works flawlessly. kinda sad that i cant use my old terminal login i thought it looked cool );

anyways CASE SOLVED!

* sudo systemctl status teamviewerd to see if it is running.

* It's possible to delete (or better move it to another location in case something goes wrong) .config/teamviewer and .local/share/teamviewer15/ .

* The log file is stored in .local/share/teamviewer15/logfiles/gui.log ; if the program doesn't work then check if there's any issue. ff782bc1db

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