In a data-checking script that I am creating, I would like to generate a link for someone to be able to edit a particular entry in a Kobo form - for example if an issue is found, I would like to be able to send the data-entry staff member a link to the response with the error so that they can amend it.

For context, data is pulled from Kobo via the API, and we will run the script. This link should be generated away from an internet browser, and lets assume that the person opening the link is signed already and has the permissions to edit forms.

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This is becoming fairly critical on our end - @Kal_Lam @nartabaza kindly are you able to suggest a solution, or if I am doing this wrong somehow? The ideal is that anyone can edit a submitted form when clicking a link, without the need to sign in - @ayitey7000 has the same need I understand.

I new to Kobotool but I really wanted to know if I can feed my SQL database with the data I am collecting using kobo. If I understand kobo collect the data and put it in a giant excel sheet. Then the person who collected the data have no access to the data he collected anymore in case he wanted to edit some. Kindly give me some idea on this.

Hi Biniam

Yes basically when the person collects data and submits the data you are not able to send it back to the person to edit it; the editing has to be done before the data is submitted. This is in the standard procedure for using KOBO. However there are different interfaces for submission of data that you can look at that allows for submission via clouding linkages while still using KOBO. KOBO does not however offer support on systems that are third party and as such does not offer guarantee that the systems will work.

Open the survey in kobotoolbox and answer it, leaving no empty field. That is very important, so that the webhook can determine the data structure of the survey and you can associate it with your airtable base.

Now go back to make and open up the airtable module, when you click on a record field a list with the fields of the kobotoolbox form answer will appear, chose the variable that need to be associated, to each field:

Yes with mapping you can try to add the reference in the table in the Base 2, using the same data from the Kobo form that you use to name the record in the Base 1. It should work, the important bit is that the Data that you use to name your record in Base 1 (the first field) is the same that you use to in the linked field in the Table in Base 2.

6. After you click on Save go back to the When a HTTP request is recieved section. There should be a link generated there. Copy this link using the button next to it.

Using Power BI, it is possible to access KoBo records for editing, without needing to go through the KoBo back-end. To do this, you need a table visual to display the records, and a custom column to generate the link to the record. 1. To create the custom column, you need to open your report (that is using KoBo Toolbox as a data source) in Power BI Desktop, go to query editor and click on Add Columns -> Custom Column. You will be using 2 columns generated by KoBo [_xform_id_string] and [_id]. Make sure that these columns have not been removed in Power BI, or that the names have not been changed (a prefix added for example). If the name has been changed, you will have to reference them using the new name.

6. That's it. Now, you just need to click on the link, which will take you to a log-in screen where you need to enter your kobo credentials. After that, you will be able to edit the record.

1. Do not use your personal KoBo account as a main account for an operation/project. Kobo does not allow changing the ownership of projects, so you should always try to have an operation level or project level account. You can create multiple accounts using a single e-mail address which you can later change in the account settings. Once the email address is changed, the new email will be used to retrieve the password using the reset password link.

3. By default KoBo allows anonymous submissions, and anyone with the enketo link can submit data to the project. To make sure that only users with "Add submissions" permission can submit, you need to check the require authentication to see forms and submit data option in the account settings. This is an account-level option.

You will now be asked to input the URL, Username, and Password,and then select Add. For the URL, you must select from the twoKoboToolbox servers. If you created your user account on the GlobalServer, the URL is If your user account is onthe European Union Server, the URL is

If you have a link saved to your Pocket account that you believe should be available on your Kobo and in Article View, click here to contact Pocket Support. Please share the URL in your message, and we'll be glad to take a look.

Most of the big-name traditional publishers are already using Kobo affiliate links (Penguin, Harper Collins and Hachette, among others). Once you have set up your account, you can generate unique affiliate links for your website, optimize promotional opportunities, and get paid for referrals while increasing exposure for your books. Once you join, you will earn 6% commission every time someone purchases an ebook and 10% on every eReader device purchase, plus $2 per audiobook trial sign up. We also create customized promotional campaigns to help increase exposure for your books and your authors.

Select the output format. If you just want the affiliate URL, select URL. If you want a string of text hyperlinked to the desired landing page, select Text Link. If you would like to link an image to the desired landing page, select Image Link and input the image URL.

Store Links take a reader to the same store where they bought your book: your Kindle ebook links to Amazon, while your Apple Books version links to the Apple Books Store. That means readers will able to buy in their preferred store, and your book will be safe from the rejection that can happen when linking to the wrong one.

Note: Because Generic output is typically used for an aggregator that will list your book with multiple stores, you should not use a link to a store here. Doing so may cause your book to be rejected.

Vellum will include the specified URL within the corresponding version of your ebook. When entering your own links, use the Preview to make sure your links function as expected, and that they take readers to the correct store for the platform.

The links Vellum creates for Amazon automatically send readers to the regional store based on their location: a reader in London will be sent to, while a reader in Austin will be sent to

You can disable location-based store detection using the Detect local store preference. With store detection disabled, Vellum will create links that send readers to the Default Store without considering their location.

Affiliate programs allow you to earn revenue if a reader purchases products within a short amount of time after clicking on your store links. If you are a member, you can specify your affiliate codes in this section.

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There are presently five affiliate programs for Kobo listed on the Rakuten dashboard: US, Canada, the EU, Brazil, and Australia. However, registering for only one of these programs will allow you to earn affiliate commissions from all the other regions as well. Your Partner ID and Merchant ID for just one program can be applied to Kobo affiliate links built for any of these programs. has its own built-in language/region detection logic. This means that when you build an affiliate link to the UK listing for a particular book, any readers based elsewhere will be prompted to switch to their local currency/language when they arrive at If the shopper elects to switch their region settings in this way, your affiliate tracking cookie will remain intact ensuring that you earn commission from any qualifying purchases they make.

But self is a notoriously slippery signifier, and, as severalscholars have demonstrated, the shishosetsu is not always consistent in itsclaim, simply because this is impossible. (6) As much as modern Japaneseliterature textually embodies the transparent self, it is also a self rentbetween increasing Westernization and stubborn adherence to a slowlyvanishing Japanese identity, which results in a bifurcation that led criticKobayashi Hideo, as early as 1933, to declare that "the fundamentalfeature of contemporary Japanese culture is a pervasive spirit ofhomelessness and loss." (7) Kobayashi's ruing of this"unreal" world of Japan is linked to the "phantasmal qualityof modernity [of which one effect is] the massive internalization of foreignculture, which has already advanced to the point that 'self' and'other' can no longer be effectively distinguished." (8)Japanese modernism is reacting not only against outmoded cultural forms, butagainst a foreign culture, as well. (9) Part of the inevitability of Japaneseliterature's importation of the "autonomous" self from Europeis the inheritance of a literary discourse that articulates this self. Or,conversely, it is the race to modernize that sees a direct correlationbetween the increasing consumption of Western literature and the realizationof the "modern self." But, as Seiji Lippit has observed, modernistwriting is ff782bc1db

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