There is also a template server

Every new created virtual server will take the settings from this template server.

This server can not be started and has the ServerID=0.

It can be edited with the ServerQuery only. Command Use 0 selects the server.

What TeamSpeak version are you using?

I am pretty sure this should say Create group using this type and when you select Template group it will create a new template. You will be able to copy the template group to a normal group like @Rikku said.

Teamspeak 3 Server Template Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

Hello ya all. I just started setting up a server but accidentally managed to remove the server group of server admin from myself.

I am now stuck since I can not use a privilege key and have no clue how to go about the server query usage. I have tried a bunch of things and cannot manage to fix it in server query.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this. I would be so thankful.

I must be doing something wrong!!

I want to make my server only accept the min version i choose i.e version 3.5.5 as current is 3.5.6

Ive logged into servery Query added the commandline - serveredit virtualserver_min_client_version=1604483867 but people can still connect with older versions.

Hi thanks for your help but still having issues.

Ok i selected the server, i used the tool in Teamspeak to create a login and password which seemed to work but once i added the command serveredit i got another error!

Been using this since not long after you released it on the TS forums. So far, I love everything about it, 'cept for one thing. It seems to cut the server banner out entirely. Great skin aside from that. Finally one worthy of switching away from your steam skin.

Then on Line 10 there is a part where you can turn on the server banner by commenting that section out. Simply add /* in front of MainWindow Banner to enable the server banner.


I am looking for someone who is familiar with vservern and can tell me if I can implement what I have before. The vserver has 50GB 1vcore 2 GBs of RAM and his own ip address and runs with Linux and Plesk on a Ubuntu 16.04 operating system.

I would like to use it to run 2 Wordpress blogs and 1 Joomla page, a TS3 server and occasionally a csgo server for training resons.

Is that feasible?

I have no idea what you mean by "vservern", although assume you are referring to some sort of virtualisation? Google turned up VServer. I know nothing about it and it doesn't appear to be particularly active (and/or popular), but that could be what you mean? Feel free to elaborate if you want some specific feedback on that. If you have a choice, personally I would recommend either KVM (for full virtualisation) or LXC/LXD for OS level containerisation (and Docker or similar is suitable for app level containerisation). Xen is another full virtualisation option and no longer requires a specific patched guest kernel (when run as a HVM guest).

As to running "2 Wordpress blogs and 1 Joomla page, a TS3 server and occasionally a csgo server" on a server with 1 vCPU & 2 GBs of RAM, if it has low traffic that might be possible. Although IMO it'll likely be stretching the limits. You may find that you need to add swap (which will slow things down even more) to ensure that you don't have crashes caused by insufficient RAM. Personally I would recommend higher specs to run that sort of load. If you use a single DB engine (e.g. MariaDB/MySQL) for all 3 CMSes and use a single install of WordPress (configured to host multiple instances) then that might reduce the load a bit? But only some trial and error will dictate whether or not it will be workable in your usage scenario.

This port comes with a startup script that will be installed in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/. (you will find it's template in /usr/ports/audio/teamspeak3-server/files/ Just put teamspeak_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.conf.local. Then you can run service teamspeak start to start it by hand, and it will be automatically restarted after a reboot.

Due to last COVID-19 situation I have started to hang out with my friends online more than ever. As we are mostly used to communicate via TeamSpeak 3 servers to play games we needed to get one just for us. If it comes to renting one, prices are various, but they all have one common thing - monthly payments. Since I'm a cloud guy, I am expecting to have a pay-as-you-go experience, so I didn't want to commit to a monthly payments, since I am not using TeamSpeak server 24/7.

I have wondered if there are any docker images with TeamSpeak 3 server available in docker hub and of course... there is one! Having this I could set up a TeamSpeak server in just a couple of minutes anywhere.

Since I didn't want to host my server locally and to pay for it when I'm not really using it (so VM would not be a good fit in here), plus I wanted to use docker image to setup it fast, I have decided to use Azure Container Instances. It is a serverless approach to conainers in the cloud, so we pay only for the time we are running our service.

If you want to administrate your TeamSpeak 3 server as well, you have to use a token (which is labeled as privilege key in the client) when connecting to it. To obtain the token you have to:

1. Go to Azure Portal and select your resource.

2. Select proper container with your TeamSpeak 3 server running inside.

3. Selet Logs tab.

4. Find the token in logs. The value of it is the one you have to use as your passphrase to get administrator rights on the server.

Help & Support:

I offer free advice and assistance with problems, the only thing I ask is for 500m if you want me to do either of the following for you:

500m - Full installation of EVEOTS on your webserver.

500m - Full configuration of best practices on your Teamspeak server and channels permission sets.

Bot.php is no longer case sensitive.

Forced buffering off to speed up load times when waiting for CCP.

Audit Members search now includes Teamspeak unique ID.

EVEOTS no longer tries to delete you when you try to re-register while also still connected to the server. It will simply strip your EVEOTS groups and replace them.

Re-wrote some security code to be tidier.

As I understand it (and I am new to TeamSpeak), the server is configured from the client. I have the client, but it appears I need the credentials that were provided at install time in order to configure it. Specifically the username, password and unique token.

Is anyone using this container? I am still unable to get it working. I found the "privilege key" in the logs, but there is no reference to a server password or username or anything. I have attached the logs from the initial start of the Docker. It starts up, creates two log files, then appears to restart and create two new log files for a total of four. The output of all four log files is attached in one file here.

In case anyone else is fighting with this. Mine ended up being something with the default port mappings in the template. Not sure why they weren't working, they looked appropriate. In any case, changing the network type to "host" got me up and working instantly.

Thinking back on this the other day, I think my issue might have been TCP vs. UDP port mappings. When I was troubleshooting my install I noticed that some of the TeamSpeak ports are UDP and the template specifies them all as TCP. I suspect if I had noticed that before switching to host mode it might have worked, but I didn't and haven't taken the time to revert it to bridged and test again since I got it working.

But when I take the container down and start it again I can't connect to my teamspeak server anymore. When I open a telnet session it says "network problem: connection refused". I have to reinstall the container to make it work again.

I have a couple of questions I'm hoping you all can help with. First off the instructions say to Important - use the command line log rather than the webui log, docker logs -f gsm-ts3 . This is a completely newb question but how do I do this? I can telnet into my Unraid server fine but that it's the TeamSpeak docker. Second is I saw the same issue that Marv did where after rebooting my TeamSpeak docker it wouldn't work. I ended up have to reboot it again before it worked. Odd issue. I needed to reboot because my server dissipated from the server list in TeamSpeak after about a day.

Starting with 3.5 (final), this setting is for non-serveradmin accounts and non-SSH connections only. serveradmin accounts will be prompted to increase flood settings. SSH accounts are logging in from and will usually be whitelisted.

Allows you to set up SSH tunnel profiles. Whenever you attempt to connect to a server with the same address and have this feature enabled, YaTQA will check if you have an SSH profile with the same address and use the tunnel if this is the case.

Despite being considered a YaTQA Pro feature, you can still use it in the free version to test if your server is supported. If this is the case, the Test button of the profile editor will display your server version.

Got something to say? Tell it to all people on all your virtual servers. Like all text boxes, this box has WYSIWYG BBcode support.

Below that, you can change your name and make backups. You can also backup all servers at the same time. ff782bc1db

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