Team Rocky Mountain


Transplant Games of America

Who is Team Rocky Mountain?

Team Rocky Mountain cel­e­brates the gifts of organ, eye and tis­sue dona­tion and encour­ages oth­ers to reg­is­ter as a donor. By com­pet­ing in the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca we represent Colorado and Wyoming while hon­oring our donors, donor fam­i­lies, and cel­e­brating the lives of our recipients. The team con­sists of ath­letes and sup­port mem­bers who par­tic­i­pate in var­i­ous events at the Trans­plant Games. Our ath­letes have received an organ, bone mar­row, tis­sue or corneal trans­plants or are liv­ing donors. We are always thrilled to wel­come new team mem­bers and would love to have more peo­ple join our team for the next Trans­plant Games in Birm­ing­ham, Alabama!

What are the Transplant Games?  Who can participate?

The Transplant Games have an amazingly rich and memorable 33-year history of bringing together a community of individuals who have been touched by the miracle of donation and transplantation.

Any organ, bone marrow, cornea or tissue recipient or living donor who is at least nine months our from transplantation or donation may participate in the medal events.

Donor family members are also encouraged to participate, as there are a number of events designed especially for them.

To find out more about the Transplant Games of America visit


The Transplant Games honor the lasting legacy of donors who gave the ultimate gift of life, celebrate the ever-growing living donation world, and salute the recipients who gather to demonstrate to all that life-restoring transplantation has made a difference in their lives.


The Games include over 20 competitions for recipients and living donors along with 60+ special events throughout the week



Whether your interest is the intense competition, the deep and meaningful tributes, or the educational programs, the Transplant Games has something for you.

Join the Team Contact:  Michael Wells: Andrew Menard:

Support the Team: Visit Team Rocky Mountain Go Fund Me Page

Recycle yourself and give the gift of Life

Use the link below to register as an Organ Donor and support Team Rocky Mountain.