What is our project?

Our final project for Software Design pixelates images and re-imagines them as 2-dimensional Lego artwork. We used Python to explore a variety of topics in user interfaces, image processing, color comparison, and data mining.

The user will see their original image, the Lego brick version, the number of each color brick needed, and the total cost of the bricks, allowing them to build a real-life version of the original.

Why did we choose this project?

Who doesn't love LEGOs? LEGOs were a significant part of all of our childhoods and have recreational, emotional, and practical value. That being said, we wanted to be able to work on something that meant a lot to all of us, but still stretched our imagination and challenged us in areas we had not thoroughly explored. We also wanted to create a program that would engage users and encourage them to interact with our project in real life, by building with LEGOs.

"I wanted to do something that let other people create something fun and personal out of the bricks." - Kerry

"I was really excited about seeing how I could connect something fun, such as LEGOs, with the fundamentals of Python." - Annie

"I love LEGOs!" -Amon Millner, Software Design Professor

"I love LEGOs more than Amon does. They fuel me." - Ana

A Brief Architecture Overview

External Resources:

Stack Overflow was very helpful in answering questions and providing guidance for particularly difficult code.