Kaltxì, humans! I'm Syor, proud owner and founder of Syor's Surf Shack. Our restaurant serves fresh seafood the Na’vi way, all while providing excellent views. The shack is located over the water and can be accessed by a handcrafted wooden bridge, with designs inspired by our people’s history carved into the supports. Surrounding the restaurant is beautiful wildlife. Watch as Hammerbrows swim and Pincers snap their jaws.

Syor’s is a waterfront restaurant inspired by surf shacks. Pictured are the Carpinteria Surf Shack and Tapasake, respectively.

One of our servers will be happy to help you, but you’re welcome to seat yourself at the bar. The shack is a place for celebration and relaxation. At each table is a placemat depicting a battle important to Na’vi history. The soft, comfortable booths were weaved by Na’vi seamstresses into beautiful, colorful patterns. Above the bar, hooks and long buried treasures commemorate past fishing trips.

Pandoran sea life swims around the restaurant. Pictured is a pincer fish.

I wasn’t always a fisher. I used to be a ruthless hunter, prowling the plains. They called me “Syor the Spearman”, for I could throw the farthest out of any member of my tribe. Though I was mighty, I was full of ego which blackened my soul. I believed I could challenge a thanator alone, so I sent my brothers away. The monster punished me for my hubris, tore my arm clean off with its powerful jaws. At first, I thought I had been cursed. With only one arm, I couldn’t hunt anymore.

The placemats are inspired by traditional Hawaiian art. Pictured is a tapa print.

I left to live alone on the water, filled with shame at my failure. That was when I discovered fishing. I didn’t need physical strength to catch great bounties, I needed to be clever. I decided to open the surf shack to share my way of life with any visitors. Whether Na’vi or human, I hope this has taught you to abandon your pride. Trust in your mind and trust in your friends! Ah, forgive an old fisherman for talking your ear off. Enjoy your meal and feel free to return anytime. Eywa ngahu!